Thursday, October 8, 2020

3 take-a-ways

 I have made my husband more anxious than ever regarding our political misfortunes in this nation, not on purpose, but perhaps via osmosis, and sheer momentum of my perseveration and sad intervention with pure EVIL, in the form of TRUMP and the countless demons at the ready to enable and encourage his insidiousness! I had never recognized EVIL, the pure essence of bad versus good, wrong versus right, until faced with it continuously over the past almost four years in the form of every word, action, deed, lie, fraud, intent, and crime demonstrated with such expertise by the indulgence of a mentally incapacitated individual suffering from numerous mental health conditions and syndromes, as TRUMP. I write all of this (and if you have read any of my blogs or postings you already knew everything I just said), BECAUSE, Joe decided we should watch the Vice-Presidential reality show titled a debate. I honestly had still been recovering from the first train wreck a few days ago, and my body still needed more oxygen to heal, but if Joe was THAT interested, I would, of course, sit with him, and not permit the anticipated angst variety show to be something he had to bear on his own! Afterall, Clearance Thomas, Joseph Alito, and perhaps Amy Coney Barrett, our same-sex-marital vows included for better or worse!”  


So much to say, but I believe it was the entire absence of any emotion, or facial expression, coming from Mrs. Pence’s Little Boy, and Donald Trump’s Puppet, Mike Pence, accompanied by lie after lie, fiction as steroids similar to the drugs consumed by Trump providing him with an even more irrational reality, that honestly captured my gut, and made the entire DEBACLE, as unbearable as possible. Pence made certain he used those MAGA words like FRACKING/GREEN DEAL/BERNIE SANDERS/LIBERAL/ to appease his cringeworthy Trump fanbase and had to have mentioned the name of either President TRUMP, or Donald Trump over 8,000 times. All of which, he spoke demonstrating HIS inability to NOT provide any empathy, but pile on the BULL SHIT.


But there were three take-a-ways, from the DEBACLE, which haunted me, and wanted me to lash out at Joe, for his request that we watch this fiasco: The first was, that I actually thought I saw a reflection of the fires of Hell in Pence’s right eye, a reddish hint of something I had only seen in Supernatural movies of possession, (the Media is wondering if that was indeed Pink Eye. The second was the fly landing on Pence’s head, which, again if you ever watch movies about Possession, you know that once the flies arrive, the Devil has entered the room. And the third, just evil, and just as scary, the comment that Trump could not be a Racist, because he has Jewish Grandchildren! I stopped caring that once again the MODERATOR, was useless, and no one really answered her questions, and I pretended that this was more than just one more TRUMP excuse for attention. And then Joe and I  looked at each, sighed, and headed for bed!