“Anger ... it's a paralyzing emotion ... you can't get anything done. People sort of think it's an interesting, passionate, and igniting feeling — I don't think it's any of that — it's helpless ... it's absence of control — and I need all of my skills, all of the control, all of my powers ... and anger doesn't provide any of that — I have no use for it whatsoever." ― Toni Morrison
I am working a summer job, (Ahhhhh, to be young again, but at 70, to be old enough to feel young enough to actually feel that age is just a number!) I start my shift at 10:00 am, but need at least two hours of prep time, which includes acknowledgment of my love for my husband (YES, Clearance Thomas, I am a man and my spouse is a man), time for our dog Chance (Pets and kisses are a necessary application), preparing my health conscience lunch (Any more fruit and veggies I know I will begin to grow roots or sprouts), first writing a blog (Because Silence Equals Death), then permitting myself at least 15 minutes of Morning Joe on MSNBC (Yeah, he and Mika both embraced Trump way back, but there are actually some mature Talking Heads and most importantly Journalists who get their 15 minutes of FACT), Poop time for me, then Poop time for Chance, and wham bam I am off to work for the next 7 hours. Joe warns me, be careful what I watch or read before I leave the house and warns me again be very careful what you watch or read when you return home…and please honey, he adds no news before bed! (Nothing can cause insomnia more than One Minute of a Trump Lie or a Trump Enabler Lying for him!) I try, I HONESTLY, try to listen to the man who loves me and cares for me (Yes, Amy Coney Barrett, I am a man he is a man, but in this relationship, I am not my husbands HANDMAID.) I either am lucky that my job permits me time to browse the Internet, or I am actually cursed with too much time on my hands and BROWSE the Internet…but I do, and the fear turns into rage, and the rage morphs into anger. And with no control, as if I am an addict, I rant, and post, rave and post, snark and post, and my entire day IS consumed with one question: WHY AND HOW DOES EVIL THRIVE!
“All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume.” ― Noam Chomsky
Imagine, no don’t imagine, just recall history, from the days of Adolph Hitler to the Jihadist Terrorists with bombs taped to their bodies, to the answers always provided when mass Shootings take place, you know “Thoughts and Prayers, no other fucking thing else…So, in 2020, we have Patient Zero, still contagious, cheating on taxes, committing fraud, but demanding he is the Law and Order Candidate, asking his personal attorney (I mean the USA’S Attorney General) to start investigations on his political opponents, and held hostage as a mass murderer, running through the hallways of the People’s House, and just as dangerous as bullets, everyone he with whom he comes into contact is in danger of losing their lives or certainly damaging their lives. I am not sure how all of this part of current events will end, but when it is actually history, I will know that I WAS ANGRY, very ANGRY, and I did not want to spend 4 years of my life being in that condition!