Saturday, October 31, 2020

People Of A Certain Age

 Dear People Of A Certain Age, you know, the so-called Baby Boomers, as a 71-year-old man, I know you, and I experienced along with you, the draw between the lines of the Eisenhower years, the Kennedy/Nixon Debate/ the Cuban Missel Crisis/ the Chicago 7/ the assassinations of men like King and Kennedy/the Turbulent ’60s/the Gay rights movements, and Women’s Rights movements of the ’70s/ the Oil Embargo/Kent State Murders, and more importantly the knowledge that we as young men and women of America, had the ability to change our future, and the verve and drive to make America a place of conscience, and confidence. So, Dear People Of A Certain Age, now in our 60’s and 70’s and 80’s what the fuck has happened to your spirit of purpose, of justice, of the cause of equality. Many were educated in colleges, too many received education on the battlefields in Viet Nam, a politically motivated war, some went to the school of hard knocks, be you white-collar, blue-collar, or just a T-Shirt, you, we, me, understood that we demanded our voices be heard for a change. So, PLEASE, DEAR PEOPLE OF A CERTAIN AGE (like me), why would you even consider voting for a monster like Trump, who has no idea of yours mine and our experiences growing up, because he was nothing but a pampered, spoiled brat, raised without any nurturing, and only survives and survived on a sick sociopathic form of narcissism. Seriously, when did you become so selfish, so easily led astray, so bigoted, so biased, so fearful of the OTHER.


Our generation grew up, as the OTHER, the ones who rebelled, the ones who followed orders, and then realized that those orders were nothing but political plots and ploys, schemes, and scams. You loved your country and served in the Military, just to discover, that your country discarded you once the war was over, this nation of which you were the Patriot, disrespected your service. Or you were a protestor, realizing that you had been lied to, you were a pawn, a puppet. Or you followed a status quo, only to discover, the status was for other people’s pleasure, and not your own.


YOU, US, ME saw economic boom and bust, we witnessed lies about economies “Trickling Down,” when in fact gravity was reversed and traveled upward. We fell prey to more political wars, tried to survive a Recession worse than any other economic tragedy than the Depression! We had friends and family who were female and saw that their reproductive rights mattered. We watched as HIV/AIDS pandemic almost ravaged other friends and family and were encouraged by the resilience of the LGBTQ community. We became neighbors and friends, with people of color, and actually, as white folk fell in love with humans of another race, and knew the Earth would not end, and no one’s God would bring upon the End Times. 


I am so confused, PEOPLE OF A CERTAIN AGE, we had morals and values, conscience, and commitment, purpose, and promise believed in equality and freedoms and rights…so what the fuck happened to you that you think OUR, YOURS MINE, America was not already great, that somehow, all we did to fight for our future was to no avail…Honestly, PEOPLE OF A CERTAIN AGE, what has happened to YOU…because for ME, all that ever was, and all I lived for meant a lot and to give in and give up because of a false idol, an intentionally insidious scammer, is just a sin. What was the worth of your 6-7-8 decades of life, if you still support or ever have supported TRUMP and his UNCONSCIONABLE ENABLERS  pretending to be Republicans. Think hard PEOPLE OF A CERTAIN AGE, because YOURS, OUR, MY LEGACY will either be full of promise or a sack of shit!