The Sixth Sense is a 1999 American supernatural psychological thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film tells the story of Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), a boy who is able to see and talk to the dead, and Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis), a child psychologist who tries to help him. In the movie The 2020 Movie: TRUMP NO-SENSE: the Trump Administration has indicated it is open to natural herd immunity as a way to beat coronavirus -- an option that experts say could be disastrous. Under most estimates, that would mean about 70% of the population would have to catch the disease. So, simply put, because trump and Pence never had control of the spread of the CORONAVIRUS, nor wanted to place the health of citizens before the profits of corporations but remained aware that NOT winning re-election would mean prison time, so keeping businesses alive and well, all the while risking the lives of the business owners, staff and customers, became a priority, and death and dying, doom and destruction of the common man and woman, was sheer MEH! So to be clear, if you happen to fall into a demographic of a person called A SENIOR ADULT/AN IMMUNOCOMPROMISED SYSTEM/VERY YOUNG (BUT NOT YOUNG ENOUGH TO BE A FETUS, BECAUSE FETUS LIVES MATTER), you too can be a part of the HERD. And by the way, being a MAGA, a FOX Viewer/a Good Nazi/a Son of Daughter of the Confederacy; even YOU too if you fit into any health demographic at risk, welcome to the HERD.
A form of HERD IMMUNITY called the Final Solution had been tried by the Nazi’ Government, at the point of their History when Hitler also decided that economics, time, and sheer lack of patience were in the way. So Hitler’s HERD IMMUNITY was to have the Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Handicapped, Very Young (except for the ones, Josef Mengele, wanted to use as guinea pigs his form of FETUS LIVES MATTER), exit the rail cars at the death camps, and stand in two lines. The demographics which were of no use for forced labor, either on the right or left, were immediately shot. And when the Nazi’s were at their wit's end, near the end of the war, and Hitler’s paranoia and narcissism and mental condition was beyond collapsing, kind of like Trump’s own mental health which must be imploding), HERD IMMUNITY was used in the cold cement barracks where the prisoners were stacked row upon row using the same toilets and water, and dirty sheets, and when and illness appeared in one concentration camp prisoner, it spread like a wildfire among the rest. Easy breezy, no spending money on the ammunition to murder, just let a virus an illness a malaise do all the work!
But guess who won’t become a part of the HERD IMMUNITY test; Well, ALL of the TRUMP children (well I am not certain about Tiffany), or the wealthy 1% Domestic Terrorist Donors who have underwritten and owned Trump, no they will be A-OKAY, just take it from Melania who has re-emerged from the BUNKER and says, As the patient, and the person benefitting from so much medical support, I found myself even more grateful and in awe of caretakers and first responders everywhere. And DONNIE, who suddenly discovered that he had a young son and that COVID could be useful in Trump’s re-election added: "I don't even think he knew he had it, because they're young and their immune systems are strong and they fight it off. 99.9%.