co·nun·drum: a confusing and difficult problem or question.
e·nig·ma: a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.
A conundrum is like a puzzle, or a riddle, or a problem ~ which needs to be solved or is at least solvable. An enigma, however, is more of a mystery or mysterious phenomenon, which may or may not be solvable.
January 6, 2021, an INSURRECTION a plot a plan a ploy to overturn our government by a tyrant, anarchist, loser, and demented fool, in which HE, as might any cult leader fearful of losing control of power, demanded HIS cultists to storm the Capitol and in doing so, permitted the murder, hanging, torture of anyone from the COPS, to the Politicians, who might stand in the way! And even as the majority of Republican lives literally and figuratively HUNG in the balance, to this day, the same fools still flock to Mar-A-Lago, trying to kiss the ring of the MOB BOSS who placed a HIT on most of their heads!
March 2020, denying any and all truth or science, medicine or common sense, the HACKED INTO OFFICE, HACK, demurred and demanded that NO ONE PAY ATTENTION TO THE DEATH AND DYING COMING TO AMERICAN SHORES. Insisting that bleach or hydroxychloroquine (a malaria drug) will be the true answer to the perhaps dozen or so cases, of the Chinese Flu, Trump failed to tell the truth to the public he admitted to knowing, and eventually also, received a vaccine, which HE never promoted the value of; and a year later this nation has witnessed 2.9 million cases, and 532,000 deaths. And yet, not one Republican in the Senate or House has tried to assist in the health and welfare of the people and economy of this nation, for fear, that doing so, might infringe on THEIR OWN HEALTH AND WELFARE of remaining in power. A power, one has to IMAGINE, does not belong to THEM but to their MOB BOSS!
I mention these well-known FACTS, BECAUSE, EACH DAY, my taxpayer dollars go FOR flights from DC to Mar-A-Lago, by Republican Cowards, EACH DAY I hear the lies about how too much money in the pockets of the NON-1% will be wasted on drugs alcohol, gambling, EACH DAY I hear how NOW anyone TRUMP demands respect for their efforts to THWART COVID, I WANT TO SCREAM. And then to calm me down I play the name game, are these FOOLS presenting a conundrum, an enigma, or just showcasing how bad a really lousy douchebag of a person can behave!