There has been a LONG list of Republican Congress People during the last four years, who have demonstrated that they value their own lives, future, and rewards over and above any call of duty for the average American. We all, all of us who understand good from evil, altruism from self-serving, can provide a long list of men and women, who have displayed a lack of love for country, but a whole lot of hate and loathing towards our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Democracy. Sadly, as each day begins, more and more Republicans provide less and less values and morals. Many prefer to treat a majority of the population as an enemy, and the minority, as cultists destined to die and wither, due to a sheer lack of ethics, empathy, and emotion.
I must mention, an insidious monster, Senator Ron Johnson, of Wisconsin, who by some miraculous circumstance back in 2016, won his state nomination, by almost the same exact numbers as did Trump. Somehow, both Ronny and Trump became surprised victors and won by a small majority, you know, before anyone SUPPOSED that an election HAD been rigged, by the Russians. Ever since that election, Ronny, a once-proud Tea-Bagging Republican, and now a MAGA-loving maniac, HAS concocted more CONSPIRACY theories, QAnon nonsense, and a distaste for democracy, preferring Fascism as a better way to govern.
On Friday, March 5, 2021, Johnson decided to play a game Senators love to provide for the public (a game where no real People’s Business is performed, rather a snake oil version of pure pathetic politics paraded around.) The Senators in the midst of a Pandemic, Unemployment, Foreclosures, Homelessness, Helplessness, Hopelessness…all need to get their 15 minutes of fame, and play the LETS FUCK WITH THE PUBLIC AND ADD AS MANY AMENDMENTS AS WE CAN, just so the peons and peasants think any government assistance is BAD! Johnson had a few of his clerks read the entire American Recovery Plan aloud, which took 10 FULL HOURS. This fucking, useless, showboat and Trump Ass Licker, was PROUD of a delay. It took a comment by a NY Times Reporter that made me want to SCREAM even louder than I might, hearing about this scam. The reporter said, (I will paraphrase) during the 10 HOUR Delay, caused by Johnson, most likely 900 more people died of COVID-19! Think about that Wisconsin, and Americans…THINK ABOUT THAT!