"Such vicious, unconscionable acts of violence cut at the very core of our country and the values on which it was founded. As we await the findings of a thorough investigation, the critical work to combat the haunting rise of hatred against the AAPI community must intensify with the immediacy this latest tragedy commands." "My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims of the attack in Atlanta," Chao said in a statement first provided to CNN.
Former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao (during the Trump Administration) as well as the wife of Senator Mitch McConnell (who during the entire Trump Administration was Majority Leader of the Senate), has suddenly found Jesus, OR a much better PR Firm, hoping to disavow any and all COMPLIANCE AND ENABLING of the myriad and vicious, purposefully intended Racial Agenda of her former INSURRECTIONIST Bigot in Chief the Reality TV Show Russian Asset TRUMP! It seems Ms. Chao, would prefer WE THE PEOPLE forget and forgive her total lack of concern for Racism while she gladly remained a part of the Trump Swamp.
How convenient, NOW, to become one of those rats supposedly jumping the sinking ship of Bogus, Bigotry, and Bias; thinking no one will remember ME as I stood silently behind the man who called the Coronavirus, the Chinese Flu, Kung Flu, The Wuhan Flu and continuously berated the Chinese and those who somehow looked Chinese for the pandemic reaching the shores of America. Elaine Chao also had been the brunt of attacks on her hubby Mitch, by Trump for being the daughter of rich Chinese, friends of the Chinese Dictators. Elaine Chao not once complained about quitting her job. Elaine Chao did absolutely nothing to try and influence her husband (Majority Leader, to pass more inclusive racial laws. Elaine Chao, sat by silently as Black Lives Did Not Matter under the leadership of Mitch and Trump. Elaine Chao continued to work as hard for the GOP and Trump as possible.
And only on January 7, 2021, the day after the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, Chao submitted her resignation effective January 11, 2021. Ain’t nothing this CON ARTIST can say or do NOW, to reshape her image as just one more TRUMPSTER now hoping the rest of the world has amnesia!