During my career as a Group Worker, I had the opportunity to direct various Day and Resident Camps. The ability for any child to experience nature, the environment, and a bit of freedom and self-discovery can be a milestone within their lives and provide memories to last their lifetime! HOWEVER, as often is the case, some kids, are not quite ready to leave mom or dad, the assumed safety of their home. Many perceive the ride on the bus, the actual commitment of saying goodbye for now, as, meaning a goodbye forever, and to trust a stranger, as a scary experience. I can remember the first days of Camp, as traumatic events, not only for the first-time campers but for the first-time Parents of the first-time Campers. It was all in good faith, sending your kids to camp, but the experience of leaving your kids, or your parents, takes faith, and oftentimes, it begs the question can I do this!
It is with those memories of loading the busses to head out to the campground, the look of concern on the faces of both the adults and the kids, the unknown journey, the saying goodbye, for NOW, from which I MUST consider, the anguish and horror, motives and worries that BOTH the children of the migrants and the parents of those children must be facing. For the families going to camp, it was just for two or four weeks, a quick farewell and then a HOMECOMING. It was a social work experience, a chance for their kids to mature, to learn social skills…For the families at the Southern Border, IT IS A CHANCE FOR THEIR KIDS TO LIVE A BETTER LIFE, PERHAPS TO SURVIVE. And there IS no given timetable for a return, NO set list of do’s and don’ts. NO counselor or Camp Director calling home with an update on the status and welfare of the precious cargo sent away!
How dare the Christian White Nationalists, the entire Republican Charade and Façade of Elected Officials, the Pro-Lifers, (except if that life has brown or black skin,) refuse, reject, deny access to this country. I can only imagine, the torment and torture, these families go through, to decide, how to keep their children safe, healthy. I know, when my kids went to camp, how wonderful the day was when they returned home, sharing a summer’s worth of joy. But I knew my kids would return. To be that Parent on the Southern Border, and to say goodbye, and not know when you might say hello, all because you hope for a better life for the love of your life, is unimaginable, and unfathomable!