“Yes, we gotta no banana
No banana
We gotta no banana today.
I sella you no banana.
Hey, Marianna, you gotta no banana?
Why this man, he no believe-a what I say.” (Yes! We Have No Banana’s/Frank Silver)
It was the 1950s, and my mother would have the radio playing as she was doing her chores for the day. I remember the song ‘Yes We Have No Bananas’, thinking what a silly song that was. My mother explained to me that's the idea for the song came to fruition because the owner of the store never wanted to NOT make a sale so he would say the word, YES, to entice the customer and then add the word NO, because in fact there were no bananas. The song ‘Yes We Have No Bananas’, comes to mind every time I hear The GOP deny the truth try to explain away the facts, and insist that the INSURRECTION on January 6, 2021, at the Capitol either never happened or was caused by, motivated and encouraged by Donald Trump and his band of Proud Boys, Good Nazi’s and MAGA.
Afraid of the lowest of life forms calling themselves Republicans, placing the personal careers of themselves above country, and permitting injustice to replace justice, the cowardly men and women, in the Congress, identifying as REPUBLICANS, have continued to caudle and caress the frail insecure and demented machinations of a Traitor named Trump. By doing so, the ENEMIES OF THE STATE, OR the TRUMP MILITIA, remain in control, unattended to, and very dangerous. Case in point, because these treasonous coup conspiracy INSURRECTIONISTS, are left to their own devices, and the deviousness of Trump, the Capitol is closed, no People’s Business, BECAUSE, a very REAL threat to murder members of Congress and destroy the Capitol exist. But as the GOP says, YES, we have no proof it’s the MAGA, but no, it can’t be anyone else!