Thursday, September 8, 2022


 2 Billion Dollars…Jared Kushner received 2 Billion Dollars from the Saudi Government. And now with the REVELATIONS regarding his DADDY-IN-LAW, stealing Nuclear secrets not only from the US, but another foreign country, HERE IS MY CONSPIRACY THEORY----based on nothing but the fact that Jared’s DADDY-IN-LAW cannot be trusted, and throughout Jared’s tenure as some kind of Bull Shit advisor to TRUMP, JARED cannot be trusted!

What in the world…let me say that again with more chagrin, piss, and vinegar, WHAT IN THE WORLD could Jared Kushner have, offer to have, and provide for ANYONE worth 2 BILLION DOLLARS? Now, let me add, what in the world, a little more precise with venom and vinegar, WHAT IN THE WORLD would the Saudis need that they already cannot afford, to pay anyone, and IN PARTICULAR, Jared 2 BILLION DOLLARS??????


I believe, based on the vile treasonists, treacherous, greed, and gluttony of TRUMP and his offspring, and those either married to or engaged to his offspring, Jared, in cahoots with DADDY-IN-LAW stole the ISRAELI NUCLEAR SECRETS, because the Saudi Royal Murderous Family happens to share land in the Middle East with Israel. I believe that with the number of weapons paid for by the United States, knowing how much of a common enemy the US and Israel share with Iran and Syria, Hezbollah, the US has a WHOLE LOT OF ISRAELI NUCLEAR SECRETS!


Jared may be Jewish, but when it comes to power and tons of money, Jared, I believe has no affinity for anyone but Jared. If Jared cared about the Jews of this nation, let alone the Jews of the world, HE and his WIFEY, IVANKA, would have made a lot of NOISE every time TRUMP embraced the NEO-NAZI!


I had to wonder who was it that TRUMP truly cared little for, the Jews (except when accepted tons of money from the ADELSON’s and Bernie Marcus. Who in the world has enough money to make TRUMP wet his pants, The SAUDI. And why in any WORLD, would anyone hand JARED a check for 2 BILLION DOLLARS!