Saturday, September 10, 2022


 Dr. Oz claims he has "tremendous empathy" for Senate opponent John Fetterman and then immediately accuses Fetterman of "lying about his health" to make voters "feel sorry for him." (Vanity Fair)


Ingraham: And the issue of the nuclear capabilities of other countries. The CIA has its own website that gives a lot of this information (Vanity Fair)


Biden does an impression of Republicans trying to take credit for legislation they didn’t vote for lol (Vanity Fair)


I do not Tweet, PHEW, because I know if I did, I would spend way too much time being PISSED OFF and SOUNDING OFF! Every now and then I will indulge my interest in some politician's view of the world and of course their enablers the highly paid entertainers and purveyors of HATE from FOX. And when I read a real Republican kind of comeback from the Democrats I will also smile and add it’s about time!


THE GREAT OZ, from New Jersey, pretending to be from Pennsylvania, once again demonstrated his lack of …WELL EVERYTHING… Empathy is just one more emotion for which HE has no regard! OZ the CON has dug so deep in the Republican Bull Shit, that he has added even more odor to the smell he admitted his daughters do not like!


LAURA NASTY INGRAHAM wants to become the Tokyo Rose from WWII, Pyongyang Sally from the Korean War, and the Hanoi Hannah from the Viet Nam War. All three women represented English-speaking propagandists who lied, made false claims, and found fiction to sound better than truth. All three spoke English and encouraged the Troops as well as any American listening to pretend EVIL was not the Enemy, but the American Government!


BUT then, President Biden has called out the GOP Senators, who argued any good news for the average American is bad news for the country, and especially for their Puppet Masters. They of course DISS the shit out of any proposal to help Americans prosper but then do their VOODOO act of pretending they were never against the thing they WERE VERY DEFINITELY against. President Biden called them out, let those Americans who care, hear a bit of the truth!