Monday, September 19, 2022

Then and NOW

 As Trump speaks at Ohio rally, crowd responds with arms raised, fingers pointed in the air. The crowd cheered and dozens of people raised their arms in the air with their index finger pointed in what appeared to be a salute to Trump as he spoke. 

The music playing in the background, according to the New York Times, is called “Wwg1wga” — an abbreviation for the QAnon slogan "Where we go one, we go all." -September 17, 2022 (USA Today)


By autumn 1923, some members of the Nazi Party were using the rigid, outstretched right arm salute to greet Hitler, who responded by raising his own right hand crooked back at the elbow, palm opened upwards, in a gesture of acceptance. In 1926, the Nazi salute was made compulsory for all party members. (Wikipedia)


Trump’s rise has reshaped the GOP, driving out some of its constituent elements while bringing in previously excluded factions, the ranks of which include virulent antisemites. America First” — both the slogan and the ideas surrounding it (emanating from the very antisemitic Charles Lindbergh and then used by Pat Buchanan) — inevitably excited antisemites. In 2016, Trump tweeted out an image using a Star of David to symbolize Hillary Clinton’s “corruption. (New York Magazine)


One people, one empire, and one leader was the slogan coined by Hitler when he followed his aggressive foreign policy. Adolf Hitler came to power with the goal of establishing a new racial order in Europe dominated by the German “master race.”

A Hitler policy was the destruction of the Jews: first their elimination from Germany and then from Europe. For almost six years Germany encouraged Jewish emigration, persecuting them so severely through government-sanctioned laws and raising the volume of anti-Semitism (


How convenient for the current crop of Republican leadership to persuade its cultish and often times history illiterates, to NOT read about HISTORY, all the while, THOSE SAME POLITICIANS use the facts and evidence from HISTORY to create the same kind of chaos and consequences from the past. Am I making too big and bold a suggestion to suggest that Fascist game plans and playbooks from the past have morphed into American  Fascist of the present…WELL, YES, I AM…please prove me wrong, while you can!