Friday, September 30, 2022


 For my friends and family and strangers who have felt the wrath of Hurricane Ian, I am so sorry for the burden you have carried, and hope, from my heart, that somehow, there is a way forward for all of you. Not being in the situation you may have found yourself, in during this Hurricane, I can never know, the emotions, stress, and angst you must have experienced, but I do hope, with one day less of that stress tomorrow becomes better. 

Somehow, however, your moments of complete turmoil have become an obnoxious presentation of the news for way too many TV personalities, who seem to crawl all over themselves to pretend that somehow they actually prioritize your sufferings over TV ratings. I have watched the Weather Channel (which should be called the ADVERTISEMENT/COMMERCIAL channel), MSNBC, and CNN, trying to just hear the facts, and discover if there was anything I could do to help. All I witnessed were TV goons trying to outdo the next clown, by standing in the rain, the wind, and the water, as if they were sharing the agony of REAL PEOPLE.


From Jim Cantore of the Weather Channel to the myriad of so-called reporters of CNN and MSNBC, each and every person made the coverage of Hurricane Ian, more about their own stupidity than actually homing in on the death and destruction all around them. It was like watching wanna-be superheroes, trying to show how many wind gusts they could muster, how many downed power lines they could fool, as they spent way too much time lamenting about conditions and ignoring the people. Of course, all three networks had to cut to a COMMERCIAL, no matter how severe the weather and the situation.


And as always, some, reporters had to then find a person or persons whose entire life had just been wrecked, vying for the audience's attention, only to NOT provide any relief as in THEIR OWN NETWORK helping out!  I can NOT imagine the consequences the victims of Ian are now going through, nor the mental and physical injuries. But, if I hear one more stupid as fuck TV personality say, “hunker down,” “once in a 1000-year event,” or, “most catastrophic disaster” I will implode. It is here, isn’t it clear, that CLIMATE CHANGE is for real? So, how come no EARNEST EFFORT is being made to make a difference?