Friday, March 15, 2024

Saying a Name

 Margie-Putin-Greene wore a shirt with the phrase "say her name" and a pin with the photo of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student killed by a person federal authorities said entered the country without authorization, during  President Biden’s “State of the Union,” address.

Never one to shy away from acting the part of a Mean Girl, a Howling Monkey, or a Jack Ass, and always requiring attention for acting like a spoiled brat, Margie-Putin-Greene lacking any and all capabilities of INTROSPECTION, and for that matter, as I see it, SELF-RESPECT, received the attention for being the ass-wipe she so desires to be. Say her name, interesting, isn’t it however, Margie-Putin-Greene is such a Patriotic, caring, and concerned individual as she self-promotes herself to be, and oh so touched by acts of violence…how come Margie-Putin-Greene has never ONCE said even one of the names of the approximately 1769* deaths from mass shootings and the approximately 4223* victims of mass shootings in the United States. (* Rockefeller Institute for Government)


As is usually the case for Republicans, it is a game of ‘PICK AND CHOOSE,’ and this IS ONE category that Margie-Putin-Greene excels in doing. Hey Dems in Congress, next time Hypocrites like Margie-Putin-Greene wanna have you say a name, ask her and her cohorts to say at least one name of an innocent person affected by the Republican willful negligence to permit murder and mayhem via gun violence.