Monday, March 11, 2024

they can be PARENTS?

 More parents are delaying their kids’ vaccines, and it’s alarming pediatricians. More parents are choosing to delay childhood vaccinations, such as the MMR vaccine. Doctors worry toddlers remain vulnerable as measles spreads. (Los Angeles Times)

More parents are choosing to delay childhood vaccinations, such as the MMR vaccine. Doctors worry toddlers remain vulnerable as measles spreads. (Los Angeles Times)


HOLY SHIT…THE MAGA stupid is invasive and destructive, and instead of the walking dead disease, it creates the STUPID AS SHIT! 

If all of the current crop of parents, those who have decided to delay vaccinations for their children, or worse decide against vaccinating their children,  if they had any iota of reality drifting around their seemingly very vapid brains, they might understand that HAD THEY NOT RECEIVED VACCINES AT A YOUNG AGE, by now they would probably not lived to even marry and have kids, and if they had survived might not be able to have kids!


Are these new batch of idiots so selfish, as to ignore the same medical advice that provided them with the ability to thrive, live, and survive, BUT to suddenly forget their successful past, only to insist on a very unfortunate future for their own children?


"Survival of the fittest" is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. The biological concept of fitness is defined as reproductive success. Perhaps Darwin’s’ theory of survival is actually playing out within the households of the mental MAGA midgets who prefer bogus and bull shit to be smart and intelligent. Pray for the newest generation of kids!