Tuesday, March 4, 2025

but of Course

 US supreme court weakens rules on discharge of raw sewage into water supplies. Ruling by the court, which has a Republican super majority, undermines the 1972 Clean Water Act.

These are the same Heritage Foundation court jesters who overturned Roe V. Wade because life begins at inception, and apparently, according to these clowns, life will now slowly die once it drinks raw sewage.

Is anyone REALLY surprised regarding the MAGA rejoicing at Trump’s defunding arms and aid for Ukraine? I mean, seriously, if you are even a bit full of shock and awe at the MAGA response, stop hiding from under the rock you have been living.

This same group of enemies of the state voted for Trump/Vance/ Musk to become the top three officials of this government, and all three showcased their disregard for democracy at the very onset of the election. Democracy in this nation has died, thanks to the assistance of the pre-meditated murdered within the Republican party sitting in Congress. 

Making America hate is a part of the death knell for Democracy, so of course if it ain’t good for us why the fuck should it be good for Ukraine.