Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Apprentice

 In the movie ‘The Apprentice,’ the viewer gets to witness the moments of pathetic psychotic and anti-social behavior ruminating throughout the mind and body of Trump (as an aside, it is an exact movie explaining who we have as president in the year 2025. 

Roy Kohn (and for those unfamiliar with this sinister, self-loathing, pathetic peon, Kohn was the guy behind the McCarthy Communist Witch Trials) befriends a bastard childlike character, Trump, and teaches Trump just how low a person could, should, and would go in obtaining anything his little empty heart desires. Kohn is the dark side of homosexuality, he lives in a closet, acts outwardly as a homophobe, and loves to OUT anyone he is at war with. Kohn is also a worst-case scenario as a Jewish American because he is outwardly antisemitic.     

But Trump adores this man. Homosexuality and Judaism mean little to Trump because GRIFTING, GREED, and GLUTTONY are the only parts of life that matter. 

Kohn taught Trump lots of evilness, and when and if you watch this film, you will discover that those Kohn lessons were memorized and almost tattooed into the mad mind of Trump.

I write all of this to make one specific point. Kohn was able to figuratively get away with murder because this little weasel had hidden tapes of every single transaction thought to be a private affair. And for Kohn, BLACKMAIL was his special ingredient in being a DICK.

One has to wonder how and why MISS LINDSEY GRAHAM has become Trump’s bitch. How this Miss Thing has turned 360 degrees on Patriotism. And the real kicker, at least, for me, is that one must wonder what tapes Putin has on Trump.