And now once again, Sarah Palin, gains the spotlight, and tells us she does not stay the norm others have paved. She is doing the people of Alaska a favor, because if she is a lame duck Governor, she will only have two and a half more years to complete her tasks, in which she was elected, except that why would she do that because there are only two and a half more years to do it and well ya know then what? Huh???
Sarah Palin, elected for 4 years decides that half of the term is enough to get the job done, and perhaps someone else can finish her term and get that job done even better.
And there are Republicans crying and ringing their fingers, because for now she is packing her Governors bag and leaving the big house in Juneau.
Sarah Palin is average, and awful below the curve of average. She is a hypocrite when it comes to honesty in politics, she failed her daughter Bristol in parenting, she leaves a legacy of perhaps some kind of shady dealings in the hirings and firings of Alaska State staff, she continues to contradict her statements and with a straight face after a video is played, showing the world direct statements coming from her mouth, she insists it was taken out of context.
But she is loved by many, and many think she is the perfect person to be President.
I just don't understand our complacency with AVERAGE. Don't we deserve better?
Why do we insist people like Palin represent us? Do we think we are only average? I don't!
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