But sometimes I wonder why journalists, entertainment reporters, semi professional and professional reporters never really ask the next question or the question which might make a "news-maker", think, or quiver, or maybe even answer honestly and fairly.
If I had my own interview program I would ask the following questions:
Governor Charlie Crist of Florida. "...Hey Chuck, do you find it kind of odd that every time you decide to run for office or re-election you suddenly are dating or romantically linked to females? Is it strange to you, Chuck, that once you win the election the sudden infatuation with women ends? Is it just circumstance that your heterosexuality blossoms while running for office, but it wanes once behind closed doors and the away from the peering eyes of the press?"
Soon to be Ex- Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. "Hey Sarah, do you find it odd that a sitting Governor needs to have "her people " establish a legal fees fund to pay for about 15 accusations of improper, illegal, unethical and immoral behavior? Do you think that lying, stealing, abusive dismissals, using public servants for private and personal errands and tasks is just a part of the job? Is being a Governor so taxing that no matter what you do and decide is appropriate and proper and the average citizen should just shut up and stop complaining?"
Soon to be Ex-Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. "...Hey Gov', you are a big proponent of abstinence and expressed to your teenage daughter that there is only one way to stop teen pregnancy. Are you a little disappointed in your parenting skills, Gov' by not also expressing to your daughter the choices available for not allowing babies to have babies. Perhaps, Gov' you could have said to your typical teenage daughter, I prefer you abstain from pre marital sex, but if it is something you find you can not or do not wish to do, then contraceptives might work in stopping pregnancy. Gov' is religious dogma more important than practical every day life skills?
Governor Mark sanford of South Carolina. "Hey Mark, do you feel that while you were acting in an adulterous affair with your soul mate, you were at all chipping away at the Institution of Marriage you deemed and have continued to deem as soul property of "opposite sex" couples? Does infidelity between married heterosexual adults weaken at all the "Institution" as much as according to you two homosexuals wanting to love honor and respect might wreck the "Institution" if they married? Does removing your wedding band from your ring finger make the "Institution" vulnerable to havoc and chaos as much as two people of the same sex who love each other and do not cheat on one another, wearing the same wedding band?
Ex- Nixon Speech writer and staunch conservative commentator, Pat Buchanan. "So you cite history in implying that since it was 100% white men who did everything from write the Constitution, to die in the Revolutionary to Civil Wars as well as most of the dying in the two World Wars, that "white men", should continue to run this country, and exclude any other citizen born in America? Are you saying because a skewed democracy which limits rights to minorities, and seems to only reward those with power and money and white male skin, should continue to be the sole proprietors of control? And when a white guy named Richard Nixon lied and cheated and almost destroyed the opposition party with theft and purgerory you supported his behavior saying he did it for the country. You as one of his chief staff members never really found fault in his misdeeds and anti American behavior and to this day continue to pay homage to a man who had no morals and scruples, because he was white? Is there any place at all, Pat, in this country for any minority to hold any form of power. Or no matter how deceitful, self loathing, crime ridden a white guy is he deserves to be in the top spot, because he is white?"
And to Senators, Wamp (R) Tennessee, Demint (R) South Carolina, Ensign (R) Nevada, and Brownback (R) Kansas. "Hey guys, so you all live in the "C" Street brownstone, and pay about $600 a month for rent. We are told that the brownstone is a church so in reality it is tax exempt so your rent I guess should be minimal. Do you guys sit around at night wearing white hoods or robes? After all your little secret sect espouses a secret doctrine known as the Seven Mountain Mandates: you silly guys all Republican Senators belong to a group which wants to gain world control by gaining control of 7 key factors: religion, government, media, education, arts and entertainment, family and business. Wow, big goals guys.
Seems you bad boys are all a part of a very racist and sexist group. Seems your exalted leader of the "Family", Doug Coe believes that when God came to his dad, God said to the senior Coe, that only rich white male elites should rule.
Cool guys, but of all the heros you emulate I want to know which one is your favorite. Is it Lenin, Hitler Mao, or Osama?
Oh yeah, what kind of initiation rights do you guys hold?
Oh and one more thing, do you think there is any problem with all of you supposedly working under the guarantees of the Constitution, or eventually will the "Family" at the C Street Church do away with that waste of paper?"
Some questions just seem to sizzle in my mind. Some questions which if asked and then answered might awaken a few tired souls who rely on somebody else to figure out the truth.
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