Karl Rove has finally been subpoenaed to testify before Congress, on one of many alleged misdeeds he masterminded and originated for the Bush administration. However, Mister Rove and his lawyers have set such stipulations and guidelines for his testimony, that one wonders if he, Mister Rove or the Congress are really calling the shots.
Karl Rove is finally being asked about who knew of the firings of the 9 U.S. prosecutors, due to their inability to not follow Republican party orders and go after Democratic candidates during the years when elections for Federal office were being held.
Mister Rove has testified, but in a closed door setting and the results of his misdeeds will remain on record, but a record many Americans will never get to read.
Mister Rove was permitted to ruin the lives of 9 prosecutors, numerous politicians, and hundreds of Americans but he calls the shots, can remain unscathed legally, and clear his conscience with the aid of the U.S. Congress. Not fair, but like most white collar criminals he is protected by other white collared enablers.
Disgraced Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who made a mockery of the Justice Department, for George W. Bush, now will become a professor for Texas Tech University. This man had to resign his position as Attorney General, and still has about half a dozen investigations pending on his miscarriage of justice, and for all his misdeeds he is rewarded with a professorship at a University. Is it cronyism, is it pay off or is it one more example of white collar crimes being judged by other white collar criminals, so there may not be any fair justice leveled?
And the ex Vice President, Cheney, Vice President for George W. Bush, has started to receive income from Haliburton, (money he coul not collect while in office,) but finances which accumulated with interest in his bank account, during the years he and Mister Bush pushed the Iraq war. The war Mister Cheney insisted was to stop Saddam Hussein from creating weapons of mass destruction, which were never really found. So the U.S. had no bid contracts with Haliburton and their subsidiaries, and since we were in a time of war, it was important not to quiver with the price of freedom, so Mister Cheney's company made billions of dollars of profit, and now as the ex Vice President, controversial business dealings have paid off well, well at least for the Vice President. One more white collar crime, lots of victims but no criminal sent to jail. White collar crimes seem to be so avant guard.
Doesn't this bother any one that all this injustice, all this lawless behavior, all this hypocrisy goes unmet, unattended to, unanswered. That all these individuals can continue in their lives uninterrupted, uninvolved in the mess they created, and they are free to live and prosper. Many will write their books, confessing to few wrongs and explaining how right they were, and on top of getting away with the crime, reap the rewards of white collar crime.
I am curious if there really is a way to stop this blatant form of injustice? It makes me so angry, but it seems the anger is like yelling in the wind, you can scream and shout, but no one really hears you.
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