No one seems to be daunted by the debate on same sex marriage, and for many, their marriages are being celebrated in a city which is lucky enough to be a part of a state which unfortunately enough, when it comes to LBGT human rights is a part of a country full of contradictions and message.
The beauty of the Fourth in Provincetown is the ability for people in love to demonstrate their love without demonstrators following them. Holding hands, if the hands happen to be one female attached to another female, heads on shoulders if the shoulders are hairy or muscled or bony belonging to one man attached to another man, seem to be common, and if you didn't know better you might think things were quite normal in Anywherevill U.S.A, not Sodom or Gomorra.
But its only Provincetown, and the magic like Disneyland usually ends with fairy boat ride home or as the cars exit on Route 6 headed to anywhere but here. And you wave good bye to Mickey or Minnie, give them one last open to the public squeeze and head home.
It is the the eve of a holiday which promised this new country of Americans that all men and women would be treated equal, that without the tyranny of a King or Queen, our elected officials would be the spokespeople for the common citizen, that from this day forth, the Fourth, we would proudly represent a way of life with civil liberties, human value and civil rights for all.
There were no video cameras then, so perhaps off the record a few people said, well maybe not for ALL, but most of all, or least the majority of people.
When do LGBT Americans stop this wave of taxation without representation? Or is it being taxed, taxed by the feeling that less than is just as good as equal to, or wait, we will get to it, or not now stupid, Obama just got into office, can't rush him on this, or its the Gays who are to blame.
Imagine if by the Fourth of July in 2010, the LGBT community came out of the closets, withheld checks to lying politicians, didn't accept tidbits but demanded the full course, stopped waiting and waiting, proudly announced that we are here and in this case not necessarily queer, but just a good as anyone else.
And imagine if we stopped asking but began to take.
I imagine there would be a whole hell of a lot of colorful fireworks.
So save the date Happy Fourth of July 2010!
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