After shouting and insulting Sean Kennedy, Mister Moller, began to beat up Sean.
The beatings it seemed cause grave damage and shortly after going to the emergency room, Sean Kennedy died.
Mister Moller claimed HE was really the victim as it was Sean Kennedy who groped Mister Moller in the crotch and buttocks, and Mister Moller was humiliated enough that he had no idea how hard the blows to the head and abdomen of Sean Kennedy really felt or what kind of damage ensued.
And after all, said Mister Moller, you can understand the embarrassment.
Problem was Sean Kennedy was dead, so he could not testify as to how hard the blows must have felt, and Sean Kennedy could not defend himself from mistruths and concocted stories bandied about by Mister Moller.
BUT the problem IS that the court decided that the embarrassment of supposedly being hit on by a gay man DID diminishe the fact that manslaughter took place.
The junior Senator of South Carolina, who is fighting a Federal Hate Crimes Law, Senator Jim De Mint, has partitioned priests and ministers to not support such a law saying, laws like anti hate laws for particular deviant groups i.e. LGBT community are why we are in the terrible situation morally and ethically as we are today.
Senator De Mint, then went on to tell the " men of the cloth", "...religious principals and biblical teachings are policies that MADE America prosperous and great..."
I suppose those were the same teachings the Southern churches sought out during slavery, or the same teachings that made America good allowing the lynching of black men who even smiled at or winked at a white woman. Or perhaps the same teachings that gave President Bush and Vice President Cheney the backbone to contrive false reason for going to war in Iraq. And the same teachings that Senator Eugene McCarthy used to demean, unnerve and end the careers and the lives of those he claimed to be Communists.
Sean Kennedy's mother found out that her son's murderer was set free via an email blast. Wonder what principal was used to decide the least human way to tell a mother that her sons killer was set free.
I think I might get less angry and upset if our politicians just came clean and were honest. It is not about religion, it is not about one person's own belief about God. It is about personal hate, dissatisfaction with their own life and bigotry based on nothing but false facts that people do not want the GLBT community to be free and equal.
And until we all speak the truth, more people will get away with murder.
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