Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dave Stone, ticket agent

This is an open letter to Dave Stone, ticket agent manager for United Airlines in Buffalo New York. This is an open letter to let Mr Dave Stone, ticket agent manager for United Airlines in Buffalo New York that you have no conscience, no concept, no care what so ever about the customers who fly United Airlines from Buffalo New York or any city anywhere that United Airlines flies planes. This is an open letter to Dave Stone, ticket agent manager for United Airlines in Buffalo, New York to let you know, you know nothing about the needs and concerns of the customers of United Airlines, and instead of trying to service the customers of United Airlines you would rather wallow in the belief that customer service is second and profits are first.

Here is the deal Dave Stone, my partner Joe, flew to Buffalo because his Dad had open heart surgery and needed to get home ASAP. He used my United Airlines frequent flyer miles because for the past 10 years I have owned a United Airlines frequent flyer credit card, earning those miles. Here is the deal Dave Stone, United Airlines doesn't like to have anyone use their miles and makes any kind of decent travel time to use those miles almost next to impossible. So for Joe's return trip, Dave Stone, United decided to change some schedules and allotted 40 minutes to make a connection from Washington DC to the next plane out to LA. And in the illogical machinations United went through, if that last connection to LA is missed then Joe will have to spend the night in DC hopping to get on the next plane out. And Dave Stone, ticket agent manager for United Airlines in Buffalo, all Joe requested was to get a seat on a flight which was to leave earlier and had at least 5 empty seats. And Dave Stone, ticket agent manager all you could do was say NO, say NO and two of the following things: Sorry, but you are on the wrong tier for seating, (meaning you used frequent flyer miles and they are useless), and that you couldn't do anything because United Airlines was in it to make a profit (meaning God forbid anyone using their frequent flyer miles for anything but the few flights allotted stands no chance in flying any other flight.

Now, Dave Stone, you were the man who Joe could speak with in person to try and make a decent connection with five empty seats available, you the second person he contacted. As you must know Dave Stone, ticket agent manager for United Airlines in Buffalo, Joe contacted customer service and got both Kyle and Michael working in India (Doncha just love how United Airlines gives their Indian employees American names) When they could not assist the change request, Joe asked to speak to their superiors and both times, surprise, surprise, the calls were dropped. It is so nice that United Airlines out sources its customer services to India. I wonder, Dave Stone, you think Kyle and Michael might be able to do your job via the phone. I mean how hard is it to say NO and I am sure they can master a Buffalo accent.

Shame on you Dave Stone, company man, shame on you for not demonstrating an inkling of reason but a whole flood of bull shit and hate. Shame on you Dave Stone, ticket agent manager for United Airlines in Buffalo you have all that power to actually help the customer and all you could think about was the fact that united Airlines makes a profit and one ticket already paid for on a plane with 5 empty seats would somehow cause United Airlines to go bust.

My oh my Dave Stone, United is merging with Continental Airlines and will become even more of a monopoly of an airline, and your denying an earlier flight home on a plane with 5 empty seats might make that merger sour. What a company man Dave Stone, a company man with little heart, soul and empathy.

Not much we as passengers can do with the airlines and not much we can do when they hire people like you Dave Stone who are just robots, just following orders. Remember the Nazi soldiers who were just following orders? Good job Dave Stone, I am sure you ended up saving about 5 cents of United's money and managed to fuck up one more travel plan.

I wonder how people like you sleep at night, or does that cost too much money for United if you do.

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