Wednesday, June 29, 2011

doncha' know

The first 10 minutes of the documentary "The Undefeated," a film about Sarah Palin, features a spate of celebrities saying disparaging things about the former Alaska governor.

Palin told THR that it would be nearly impossible for her to defend herself against the barbs. "There's never really a venue that absolutely lets somebody set the record straight," she said. "I mean, there are so many false narratives about me, about Todd, about our kids, about my record, about my team that has worked so hard together, that there's never gonna be a way to absolutely set the record straight."

Doncha’ just love when the bully gets all emotional and victim oriented when he or she is called out for all the same shit he or she tosses about to everyone and anyone he/she scapegoats, picks on abuses. Doncha’ just get full of sympathy when the bully laments how so many others are treating them badly, how so many others are unfair, how so many others provide false narratives based on fiction and exaggeration making it almost impossible to defend yourself and even find the truth. And doncha’ just love it when the bully pretends to have no idea how guilty they really are of making life so miserable for others as they boohoo about being caught as the fraud and fraudulent person they really are!

Once again Sister Sarah is so immature, so inane, so inaccurate in accepting her own actions to others, upon others, toward others and so smugly behaves as if she is innocent of hate, bias, and bogus. Once again, Sister Sarah blames the immediate world for her bad habits, her inability to face the truth, her lack of discretion in seeking out fact and hiding behind fiction.

And sadly all the self loathing lemmings who need to point fingers outward to solve their self made problems are lining up behind Sister Sarah, all with their whoa is me towels ready for their Palin pity party. And sadly, the blame game goes on and once again Sister Sarah weasels her way out of the truth and digs deeper into falsehoods and lies. And sadly Sister Sarah once more demonstrates her ability to take hypocrisy to heights never imagined.

Sarah wants to find a venue to set the record straight. Here is an idea Sarah. Stand in front of a microphone for about 2 hours, let real people, not the usual suspects on FOX ask you questions. Look the average American in the face, with one hand on the Bible and the other hand attached to a lie detector test. Speak all you want and set ALL records straight.

Poor, poor Palin.

Oh yeah, as a post script to the poor, poor Palin’s: It seems daughter Bristol has inherited the point the finger away from me it is some else’s problem not my syndrome from her Mom. In a soon to be released book by Bristol, the younger poor, poor Plain explains it was all Levi Johnston’s fault that she drank all those wine coolers, took off her ‘undies’ and forgot her abstinence pledge. It seems the matter of schtooping was done because Levi is a bully, threatened to date other women, might go out and find another wine cooler floozie to schtoop that same night. Bristol had nothing to with this pre-marital sex, out of wed lock pregnancy; it was more of an out of body experience that she just had to try, doncha’ know. The poor, poor Palin’s never at fault, so frail, and and so freaking phony, doncha’ know!

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