So once again, those who say they know God better than anyone else have decided to play God. Those who profess to recite scripture and verse as it must have been meant, who say only they know the true meaning of God’s word, who swear on a stack of Bibles that it is THEIR and only THEIR interpretation of God’s word are acting as if God has anointed them his cadre of soldiers on Earth.
And the same people who shout and scream about too much Government, who fear that the red, white and blue of this nations flag is being drained because Government is being turned into a socialist, immoral secular Big Brother dictatorship, that group of people have decided that only they have the true key to the Constitution and only they can interpret the true meaning the Founding Fathers meant when they wrote the Constitution based on the preaching of their God.
For that group of religious zealots there is no hypocrisy, just Gods word and their meaning of his word.
Killing a provider for abortions is okay. Even though this group of Born Again Evangelicals is drowning in depression for the loss of an unborn life, they feel empowered to murder anyone who at the request of a women who has been raped or is ill, who shouldn’t deliver the baby to term or does not want a baby from an horrendous act of violence, anyone assisting with the health or welfare of the mother should be put to death. God it seems will gladly turn his head forgo the life of some, and permit legions of angry men and women to dispose of human life all in his name, they say.
Most recently in the state of Louisiana and in many states with a majority of Republican/Bagger legislators, bans on all abortions are being made into law. Once again, this group of God fearing Born Again Evangelicals has decided to play God. In the state of Louisiana there is a law being proposed that even if the woman is raped by her father or brother she can not seek an abortion. Even if the mother’s life is at stake, knowing if she carries the baby to term she will die, even if she has children already living, she can not seek an abortion. Those who profess the love of life care less for the current living and profess that the future life is more important. Somehow the quality of life, somehow, the reason for life, somehow all of that makes no sense. And somehow it is okay to have a socialistic philosophy as long as it is a Christian based socialism.
From Bachman to Santorum to Pawlenty, the hopeful Republican/Bagger candidates for President boast about the first thing they will do is rid the US of Obama Care. They all shout and scream about their Conservative Christian Family Values, but somehow see no correlation between the need for all humans to have access to affordable health care and being Christ like. These three candidates and a whole slew of other Republican/Bagger potential presidential aspirants mention God at least five times in every speech they make, yet seem to have no idea that living a healthy life; making health care affordable and attainable to all humans is VERY God like. Somehow God can not be a socialist when it comes to saving life, but he certainly is a Socialist when it comes to invading your personal life and killing you.
I grow so weary of false prophets who pick and choose passages from a Bible who are hypocritical heretics, who preach Gods words but never ever listen to what he/she has said. I grow so tired of journalists permitting the lies to be told without pushing for the truth. And I get so damn angry when a human being plays God.
In 2010 we permitted this band of hooligans to run free. We were fooled by their fiction; we must stop this ungodly behavior before it is too late to turn back.
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