Once again, we wait those of us who live in New York, wait. We listen to the Church leadership explain how they love the sinner but not the sin. We hear how Republican law-makers are so afraid of denying equality that they must meet behind closed doors to decide the fate of Americans. And we are told that some virulent emails have been crossing the desks of the legislators who have stalled the vote on marriage equality which must mean same sex marriage approval is undeserved.
One again a charade is being performed, sides being drawn, lives being tortured, and freedoms delayed. Once again, debate about equality has become political, not ethical, not moral, not Constitutional, but based on the fears, bigotry, and ill fitted facts that when added up make some Americans less than.
We have a President who says his views on same sex marriage are evolving. Will they evolve after the 2012 election will they evolve if enough wealthy LGBT donors withhold their donations to his campaign, will it evolve if New York denies same sex marriage and gets him off the hook? We have Republican lawmakers from New York State who have the audacity to say same sex marriage will eventually become law, but not with my vote. We have the Church speaking louder than the Constitution and being heard. And we have loving, committed LGBT couples who just want to marry, legally be treated as equals, and move on with their lives.
Once again, a group of citizens in this nation want the separation between church and state to be the law. Once again a group of citizens in this nation must fight the phobias, lies, fabrications, dogma’s introduced by others in this society to maintain a we/they division. Once again, the smaller selfish picture out shines the larger photo of an inclusive America. And once again a group of citizens must wait, must beg, and must hope that those who were sworn into office decide to represent all Americans and not their own bigoted band of hooligans.
Once again, the LGBT community can only stand by while those who have no idea what makes the Institution of Marriage strong chisel away at it. Once again as the homosexual community awaits an opportunity to marry legally in New York we watch while divorces, adultery, infidelity, cheating, lying, abuse runs rampant in the heterosexual communities. Once again, the questions of liberty for all Americans stand in the balance.
Imagine Mr. President if America’s leadership kept on saying their thoughts about blacks was still evolving. Imagine where you might be working now and imagine if that same evolution in equality was in process just where your daughters would be attending school. Female Republican/Bagger legislators in New York State imagine what kind of power base you would have if others before you said, women’s rights will eventually happen, but not with my vote. And for your Republican/Bagger male counterparts, imagine what lack of opportunities your daughters or grand daughters would be missing while no one voted for Women’s Suffrage. Imagine if we had all listened to the concerns of the Church when they quoted scripture telling us blacks were not as human as whites, women’s rights would cause the destruction of family.
This is a tiresome and unfair game. This is a game that loves to scapegoat, that loves to divide and conquer, that loves to fill itself with pontifications and pure fluff. This is a game so Un-American. This is a game I as a man who happens to be Gay have had enough of. I do not want to play a game whose rules are recreated at the whims of religious dogma, hypocritical hosts, and self loathing men and women. I want to take back my piece of America. I am as equal as you.
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