And so it seems, the many men and women calling them selves potential presidential candidates of the Republican/Bagger Party, seem to not want to represent all Americans, and would prefer to govern some with more equality and some with fewer freedoms. It seems this slew of potential candidates of the Republican/Bagger ilk have decided that their Presidency need not be inclusive, rather selective and divisive.
Mitt Romney chatted with Peirs Morgan and proudly said he believes in equal rights for Gays. But somehow equal rights for Gays does not mean that the LGBT community should be permitted access to a legal marriage in the country Mitt Romney would become President. In Mr Romney's America equal has it stipulations, none of it he claims based on his Mormonism, but just based on what he deems right and wrong. In Mitt Romney's America, there has to be limits on the kind of equality the Gays receive. And those pesky Gays who want a government sanctioned marriage, not a religious approval just won't make the cut.
And speaking of cuts, Tim Pawlenty has decided that the rich in this country need even more tax cuts. The last 8 years of the Bush Tax cuts and now the Obama cuts which have produced no new jobs needs to be expanded in the eyes of Mr. Pawlenty.
Pawlenty proposed a reduction in the top corporate tax rate to 15 percent from 35 percent, as well as just two tax rates for individuals. He has accused the President saying he “spent three years dividing our nation and fanning the flames of class envy and resentment." All this because the President has insisted that the deficit must be met with both the wealthy and the poor finding compromise.
Mr. Pawlenty's budget proposal would decrease revenue from the wealthy but insist that the poor, elderly, disabled and middle class do the right thing and give up any desire to live a healthy and full life. The America Mr Pawlenty wishes to preside over as 'Commander-In-Chief' is a place where the wealthy make little sacrifice, but everyone else should tighten their belts, live less large and stop asking for things like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Rick Santorum, the man who defined gay relationships as "man on dog" relationships, has decided to take on women and their rights. Rick Santorum has been expressing a truly extreme position on abortion rights. Discussing his role in bringing about the federal late-term abortion ban, Santorum dismissed exceptions meant to protect the health of the mother as “phony” and claimed that such exceptions would render the ban “ineffective". Santorum has slammed the Griswold decision, in which the Supreme Court recognized a constitutional right to privacy and overturned a state ban on contraception, as a "constitutional wrecking ball."
In Mr Santorums America, when he becomes President rape, incest will be just mere moaning of malcontent and unfulfilled women who only want to emasculate the dominate gender, men. During his tenure in office, a pregnant woman will be revered whether pregnant by choice, rape or incest. Privacy for women is not in the Constitution Mr Santorum abides by and women will be treated like any possession separate but equal.
The parade of potential Presidential Republican/Bagger candidates grows and grows. As each man or woman announce his/her intentions to lead this nation they also announce their intentions to limit the freedoms, choices and rights of some Americans. They are emboldened by the viewers at FOX, religious leaders, bigots, and some Americans who think, because I am not a woman, or a woman who will get raped or need reproductive services, not poor or elderly or disabled, certainly not a member of the LGBT community the denial of rights does not concern me.
The rock has been lifted and the creatures crawling from under are more concerned with appeasing the fringe and straying far from the middle. They are defining who a true American should be, and the kind of equality and freedom he/she should expect. And they are running for office trying to divide and conquer rather than unite.
Kind of a sad statement for a nation which prides itself on saying "...We the People..."
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