Two sides of a question amazing how we view each side depending on where we stand.
Two Republican Congressmen are about to propose legislation which would end the sequestered cuts from the Defense Department adding millions of dollars for our military while increasing cuts from social security diminishing what they call wasteful spending on entitlements. Maintaining freedom these republican/Tea Party Congressmen say is not cheap; living in that land of freedom well that’s gonna cost you! Somehow its okay to fight for freedom but the fight to be free is not in the budget. The seniors who must decide to pay for food, medication, health cafe, housing are not a priority to members of the Congress because they never have the extra dollars to lobby. The military contractors however are a key priority because of course there are bushels of money to play puppet master. So, we must keep America free but it ain’t so free to live here.
Focus on the Family a right wing demagoguery band of bigots is always demanding that the family structure in America is at risk of collapsing or being overrun by heretics and homosexuals. They caution the Bible totting Christian crusaders that Adam marrying Allan is just the start of the apocalypse and the definition of the family as one white man marrying one white woman with a white son and a white daughter will never see the light of day again. While Focus on the Family is fighting that homosexual agenda, they seem to be oblivious about many other matters of family values. Not a word of dismay or disgust is spread aloud regarding the low wages that mom and dad earn working at fast food outlets or Walmart. Not one thump on the Bible about the moms and dads who had to work on Thanksgiving having to prioritize work over home. Not one warning of imminent doom for the family if the Affordable Health Care Law is replaced with the old system of poor coverage or no coverage. Somehow with groups like Focus on the Family, the focus has nothing to with the quality of life but the quantity of hate.
Sarah Palin and Bill O’Reilly have authored books about the War on Christmas. (remember when best selling authors could write with creativity and intelligence and actually did the writing themselves)Filled with dire warnings of atheists, non Christians and a few Socialists for good measure, stabbing Father Christmas in the heart and at least re-crucifying Jesus, the two authors warn America that this Christian nation will never again be able to say Merry Christmas. These two hypocrites have little to say about how merchandise,marketing have become the reason for Christmas. These two charlatans never raise a eyebrow as to how low income families must seek food banks for their Christmas dinner. These two fools never once talk about the passions of Christ to help the poor, the sick, the stranger. Why is it so easy to declare a war against Christmas when the real war is about the lack of compassion.
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