Gay and Lesbian couples in the state of Utah able to wed are probably as happy as Newt Gingrich was the first, second and third time he said “I do.” The Governor and Tea Party Republican led state legislators of Utah are probably as pissed as two of Newt Gingrich’s wives,when he looked at them while they were very ill and said “I don’t”. Gay and Lesbian couples in Utah are probably walking on cloud nine with great anticipation of their legal marriages similarly to the anticipation ex Governor Mark Sanford had on his so called trip to the Appalachian Trial to meet his mistress from Argentina. The LDS Church the people behind Prop 8 in California are most likely as angry as Mark Sanford was when he was found to be an adulterer since the LDS so far cannot stop equality from happening in Utah as they tried in California. It seems that the Utah Republican/Tea Party marionettes and their major donor puppet masters the LDS Church want America to think that if same sex couples wed it will doom opposite sex marriages. But in fact most of the doom and gloom comes from heterosexuals like Newtie Gingrich and Mark Sanford.
Sarah Palin is at it again, she loves to make noise thinking it is news and finds all the wrong issues to support. Never far from the oak is her darling acorn Bristol at the ready to add a negative voice whenever something positive is trying to take place. Just like her Momma Grizzly little Bristol is angry that the LGBT community is upset with Grandpa Duck’s come to Jesus moment and his anti gay homophobia. Forgetting that freedom of speech also has consequences one of which is other’s have the same freedom of speech, little (I will have my baby out of wedlock even though Jesus said don’t so that) feels that Grandpa Duck’s Christianity is not tolerated. Like her gun totting, I can see Russia from my back porch, yes I read all kind of books but just the ones with pictures on them mother, Bristol uses words like hypocritical and UnAmerican and of course UnChristian in describing a demographic responding to slurs and bigotry. Nothing says God or Jesus or America to the Palin twins Sarah and Bristol like hate, bias and baloney!
We are now told that long term unemployment insurance makes people lazy by the least productive Republican led House of Representatives in American history; this from a Congress that has yet to pass one jobs bill, consider a fair wage for all Americans equal pay for equal work for women, has taken us to the brink of financial disaster reducing any real savings any Americans may have had. We are being told that unemployment insurance to buy food, pay rent, go to the doctors is not the American way. Add to that an interpretation by Evangelical Conservative Christian Republican/Tea Partiers of a Bible and Jesus who hate the working class, and the poor and you have total confusion of morals and values. With the current crop of Congressmen and women who earn a paycheck for doing very little work except working on their next election cycle, America is walking down a vey narrow road which sadly will lead to a dead end. Why are the wrong people employed?
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