Senator Ted Cruz: Most cowards never own up to their deeds, in fact they place blame and motivation for their inactions on circumstances/cohorts/confusion/ and chaos initiated by others. Always one to brag about how tough they are, cowards love the limelight until the limelight turns into a spotlight highlighting the ugly and hideous. Always one to be initiator of the illicit act, cowards never want to take credit when credit comes in the form of discredit. Ted Cruz if you were half as tough as you pretend to be you would stop insisting that President Obama or Harry Reid caused the government to shutdown over the Affordable Health Care Law (Duh)! Ted Cruz if you used the same venom and vehemence (as you did to stop the functioning of our government) by being straight with the Americans who don’t believe the sun rotates around the Earth and dinosaurs roamed the Earth with Adam and Eve and admitted it WAS your plot and plan perhaps you might gain a bit of respect. The Cowardly Lion of Oz needed to find courage and no matter how hard he looked elsewhere for it the only place to find it was within. Are you that void of anything but platitudes and veneer to be honest?
Governor Bobby Jindal: Stop running for president already and run your state government so all your citizens enjoy fair and equal. Your cow-towing to Grandpa Duck is obscene and an obvious ploy to patronize the most ignorant of your constituents hoping that the hater casts his rednecked/homophobe/racist vote for you. God certainly has place in the politics of this nation but God does not discriminate divide and conquer speak to men and women who use him as a scapegoat for their own insecurities. There was another southern Governor named George Wallace who like you wanted to run for president, who like you insisted those who hate under the guise of God have a right to express themselves over the freedoms of others. That Governor decided that Jesus hated blacks and was motivated to discriminate against blacks finding passage and verse from the Bible to do so. He urged his followers to use the Bible instead of the Constitution and said just as you did “its not about the hate for others but the love of God that we permit racism or homophobia to exist. BTW Governor Jindal, some folks may think you are white man like them because you discriminate so well, but don’t be too surprised when you are reminded Jesus was white and they discover your brown skin. The Tin Man in Oz needed a heart to feel things, understand the meaning of things. Get one of those first Governor Jindal, be a true Christian American.
Congressman Paul Ryan: Use your head please; if a dad of a family is unemployed because the Republican/Tea Party led House of Representatives had spent less time trying to defund Obamacare/on Benghazi-Gate, closing down Planned Parenthood clinics and even tried once to pass a jobs bill to help the dad of the family find a job maybe he would not still be unemployed. If the Republican/Tea Party led Congress spent less time on tax breaks for the top 2%, insisting that President Obama was a Kenyan, pretending the IRS was a partisan agency and more precious moments on hiring American labor; then dad would not be long term unemployed. You identify as a Catholic using precious photo ops to demonstrate your charity and giving but insist that unemployed are lazy, deserving to experience pain and humiliation, unAmerican and yet your Pope the leader of all Catholics wonders why men like you act as inhuman as you do. Use your brain Mr Ryan austerity begets poverty, poverty begs hopelessness, hopelessness equates to helplessness, helpless people sometimes need HELP to move ahead. Use your brain Mr Ryan no one can pull themselves up by their boot straps if they cannot afford the boots in the first place. The Tin Man inOz so much wanted to be smart to think not only for himself but for others, right now I would say that your brain is not located on the northern hemisphere of your body. Go find it and use it much wiser then you have.
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