"Iraq is at risk of falling to a radical Islamic terror group and Mr. Obama is talking climate change. Terrorists take control of more territory and resources than ever before in history, and he goes golfing. He seems blithely unaware, or indifferent to the fact, that a resurgent al Qaeda presents a clear and present danger to the United States of America," (Dick and Liz Cheney’s anticipate opt ed piece for the FOX owned Wall Street Journal)
Oh Liz Cheney you are one hell of an acorn falling so hard at the root of an old oak called Dick. Hutzpah, Liz usually a Yiddish term of endearment used by the Jews to describe a hell of a set of balls, but in this case Liz, my dear, it is stated as an insult cause the balls you carry are dangerous. To hear you speak as if your war criminal father had never lied, never undermined the sovereignty of a nation, never thought more of the profits for Big Oil or Haliburton might be humorous if it was not down right just one more nasty fabrication the Cheney Family has been known for.
Your father cared little for the nation of Iraq. The man who found draft deferments the only way to fight the Viet Nam War, the man who had his henchmen out a CIA agent, the man who purposely misled a nation about the real reasons for his need to invade Iraq is nothing but a fraud, and you my dear Liz are just as guilty in pretending to be anything but a traitor to the principles of democracy. As I recall your dad insisted there was a clear and present danger lurking in the palaces of Saddam Hussain. Remember when ‘tricky Dick’ was sure Saddam had chemicals ready to launch at the US. You remember hearing Condie Rice taking your fathers lead and declaring the approach of a mushroom cloud. All during the Bush/Cheney dictatorship there was warning of a clear and present danger when in fact the one clear and present danger of the time the 9/11 terror attack took place and your dad seemed so unaware of it pending doom.
You are quite the turn coat Lizzie my dear. Nothing is safe from your family. You even learned the artful political maneuvering from your dad of taking no prisoners attacking your homosexual sister’s marriage as sinful and a sham. Your role model tricky Dick leaves an awful lot of poor parenting examples and of course poorer leadership choices. I thought your meaningless 15 minutes of fame dried up after your chaotic and rueful run for Wyoming Senate. But like the plague you lurk and wait hoping just enough sick people will fall prey and you can infect with the most virulent anti Americanism possible.
I worry about anarchists like you and your daddy, Liz, but I worry more that suckers, losers, loners and anti-American jihadists who never remember history still think the Cheney’s are relevant. I am sure your Mom and Dad are really worried that true Americans will finally come to their senses and finally realize that Dick Cheney and his faux soldiers of fortune are enemy number one. Just go away Liz, just go!
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