Here we go again. The men and women who predicted that at the most the Iraq War would last no longer then 6 months. The people who insisted the Americans would be heralded as heroes in the Middle East. The folks who warned us of mushroom clouds,ticking time bombs, weapons of mass destruction. The politicians and their pundents who, never once serving in the military assuredly saying that theTroops sent to fight the battles in Iraq would accomplish their mission with ease and little else. Here we go again and as has been the case for a population of misguided, unintelligent xenophobes, bigots and racists its time to forget any history and rewrite the past to fit into the kind of future they wish and want.
Almost 4500 Troop deaths, 3400Troops wounded and disabled, half a million Iraqi’s dead or wounded billions of dollars spent, billion of dollars earned by Haliburton and war friendly corporations, economies almost devastated and yet almost all of the commercial news outlets permit the men and women who have gotten almost every aspect of the war in Iraq wrong to sing aloud about how this around the War in oral will be different. No one in the Bush/Cheney administration has been held accountable for their fiasco and war crimes, yet Barack Obama is suddenly the target and perpetrator of everything wrong in Iraq.
Come on America, when does the nonsense end. When will we as a nation finally find the fortitude to tell the truth, beg for the truth, demand the truth and stop the madness of deranged to run amuck? Come on America, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Faith, Andrew Card, Judith Miller, Paul Bremer all lied, all schemed, all promoted a fiasco which set in motion decades of doom and disaster. We now, once again are going to give any of these war criminals even one more chance? Here we go again, and again, and again!
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