A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.(Second Amendment of the US Constitution.) What worries me is who will help out the average citizen when in fact you have men and women in a militias who are more dangerous and self important then the government is at its worst? Look closely at the Open Carry self proclaimed Patriots of Texas as they gather in the streets or congregate at restaurants. Who says these people even know the first thing about the rest of the US Constitution and even understand the history that provides this nation with the Second Amendment? There is plenty to worry about when these militias have decided that the Black man, even though elected by a democratic process) is not the valid Commander and Chief. To carry a gun should come with some responsibility let alone some sanity and it seems watching this band of thugs one has to question the sanity part.
When Rush, Sarah, Sean, Glenn, Huckabee, Cruz are the the folks defining American values it is very important to to wonder just what values are being extolled? Bigotry, Racism, Homophobia, Xenophobia, Misogyny are not reasons to permit people to carry guns let alone use them. It is more Un-American to fight the democratic principles, then to just carry a gun because Jesus and George Washington told you to. If the government becomes too overreaching, too extreme take your AK 47, missile destroyers, 400 rounds of ammo and fight back, but just because its a democrat in the White House and he happens to be black and he insists on rights, freedoms and liberties for all is no reasons or readiness for a militia. A bunch of blow hard Jihadists unhappy with the democratic electoral process, sore losers who see America in bigoted and biased eyesight suddenly find a portion of the US Constitution to their liking forgoing any of the other Amendments and their place in this society.
You have a gun at the ready to fight the government and want to form a militia so then why do you think when you are food shopping, gift buying, restaurant eating, church going that men in black limo’s and helicopters are gunning four you and your family? Where is your responsibility to the foundation of this nation based on the democratic process? I am worried who will protect us from the not so well regulated or mentally well balanced militias that are forming and are anything but well or regulated?
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