Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Saturday night accused President Barack Obama and other Democrats of waging wars against religious liberty and education and said that a rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people ready for "a hostile takeover" of the nation's capital. "I am tired of the left. They say they're for tolerance, they say they respect diversity. The reality is this: They respect everybody unless you happen to disagree with them," he said. "The left is trying to silence us and I'm tired of it, I won't take it anymore.” (Huff Post)
Dear Bobby, The real world, you know the place you call home, Louisiana, the United States is not the land of Duck Dynasty millionaires. Racist, homophobic slander or hypocritical religious banter choosing select passages from a Bible is not how this nation was established nor is it the purpose of country whose foundations are based on pursuit of happiness for all. Now, I know you want to run for president and tying yourself up with the T-Publicans you feel that you must muster up hate, loathing, fiction, hyperbole and lies to win that nomination. You feel kind of left out of the wacko world of the Cruz’s Paul’s,and Santorum’s where fire and brimstone win the hearts of an illiterate uniformed, ignorant population, so now you gotta tighten your balls and recite some really bat shit nonsense to act as if you were a contender, I suppose one of the boys! I wonder, Bobby, does anyone ever place a mirror in front of you and let you look at the fool you’ve become?
Religious liberty, Bobby, means religious liberty for all. This has never been a one religion fits all nation and in fact if you cared to really read history books, not the kind found in the mansion of Grandpa Duck Dynasty, but in a real library or university, you will find that no established religion was part of something called the US Constitution. I know all of you T-Publicans carry that paperback version of the Constitution next to your assault rifle holster, but have you read it? You see Bobby the left DOES in fact respect diversity; this respect from the left entitles ALL Americans no matter, race, creed, nationality, gender, or religious affiliation or non religious affiliation to be free. No one is silencing you Bobby, but you and your Jihadist Christian Fascists would rather have it your way or as you say provoke a “hostile takeover”. Speaking of hostile takeovers Bobby it seems your Duck Dynasty loving boys have already started doing so by passing voter retraction laws, outrageous gerrymandering and disenfranchisement of minorities. The funny thing Bobby about a democracy is that if you don’t like who happens to be the boss at the next election you vote them out. NO BOBBY not with that stupid Second Amendment solution. Oh Bobby, Bobby, Bobby just when one might think T-Publicans could not get any more stupid, fascist, dumber or full of shit, you decide to come on the scene with literarily all guns loaded when all you will end up doing is shooting yourself in the ass. Go away Bobby, please go away!
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