Rick Perry is not quite sure why he thinks homosexuality is similar to alcoholism because as he says he is not into the science, but he never stops insisting that both are the same thing, stupid or dumb? The President had his Special Forces capture the ring leader of the horrible attack on the US diplomatic mission in Libya, but the morons at FOX and some of their T-Publicans in Congress, swear this too is plot and plan to discredit America, stupid or dumb? Yet another urgent call from T-Publicans to impeach President Obama with trumped up conspiracy charges based on the belief that he is still that Kenyan/Negro/Socialist guy whose mother somehow was smart enough to fix it so he seemed like a citizen of the US, stupid or dumb? All the Bush/Cheney war criminals who conspired to make money for Halliburton trumping up charges of the ticking time bomb or mushroom cloud never once giving a good shit for the lives of both Americans and Iraqi’s are once again heralded as Mavens on almost every news outlet, stupid or dumb? Purchasing bullet proof vests for school children as job one in fighting gun violence, stupid or dumb? FOX News praising George Bush for his ability to anticipate future problems in Iraq before invading that country, stupid or dumb?
In America of 2014 there is a choice for the average person to select the stupid or dumb choice. Decide that government is too big, except that part of government that insists it has visiting rights in your bedroom or doctors office. Decide that you do not want to pay taxes, follow any rules you don’t like, don’t want to share your neighborhood with people who don’t look like you, pray like you or hate like you and that makes you a Patriot. Insist that freedom of religion is greater then freedom from religion and claim that Jesus penned the Constitution. Decide that states rights usurp Federal laws, deny marriage to Gays, establish voter ID Laws, gerrymander you districts to restrict just anyone from voting and fuck any and all environmental protective laws. Stupid or dumb the only two choices facing America today.
How much more stupid or dumb must we become as a nation before we implode? Militias running around with guns as if they were in the wild west ready for High Noon. Jerks walking around in Toy Stores and restaurants with their over sized guns functioning as penis’s pretending that while shopping at Target or eating at the Buffett the special ops will be arriving in helicopters or limos. Organizations disapproving of same sex couples wanting to marry while ignoring the unbelievable divorce rate of opposite sex couples.Making hero’s out of manipulating, self promoting monsters like Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Cruz while the real heroes who only want a decent job, average pay, goos schools the chance to become a viable citizen are scorned.Stupid or dumb, why the hell do those two selections seem to be the only choices in America?
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