Just when you might think the T-Publican epidemic of stupid has reached its peak what with the IRS, Benghazi, voter fraud, along comes a more virulent strain of dumb in the form of chastising a POW just because the black President helped with his release. The same God Bless American T-Publicans who insisted on those mysterious ‘weapons of mass destruction’, the ones whose own sons or daughter did not enlist in the Bush/Cheney Wars, the politicians who refuse to pass any kind of budget to assist in correcting the horrendous conditions at the VA which started because of the Bush/Cheney wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,are all zombie like finding more heinous and horrible ways to punish a POW. Somehow with this newest strain of hating America just because, leaving a POW, a man who did enlist to serve his country, to rot sounds like the RIGHT thing to do.The words and actions of so called hero’s like John McCain and draft dodgers like Bill O’Reilly have resonated with a population hell bent on dismembering democracy.
And then, just when you thought the fever, the bleeding sores, the shakes and shivers could not get any worse, a snake rears her ugly head. Her fangs filled with poison never compassion, speeds a form a venom which is so pathetic in its nature that you have to slap yourself on the side of the head to believe it. The same seething slimy snake ascends upon a soap box propped up with stalks of hypocrisy, weighted with self righteousness and pronounces in a juvenile gibberish (written for her by haunted ghost writer) the following:
“Sympathizers now tell the media Bergdahl can't be held to account anytime soon because he can't be interviewed ... claiming he's forgotten how to speak English. Really?” Palin asked in a Facebook post Wednesday. “Then # Call 1-800-RosettaStone.” “Does anyone remember abused POWs like John McCain, Tom Moe, James Stockdale, Tom Kirk, and other American troops forgetting the English language during their years and years of brutal, inhumane captivity?” the former Republican vice presidential candidate continued. “Seems these war heroes returned to their beloved country not speaking Vietnamese, but speaking KickAss against those who would destroy the red, white, and blue.” (Sarah Palin).
The darling of the deranged, the woman who might have become Vice President, the lady who like a rabid dog can only bite and chew opens her mouth omitting sign of common sense and committing fiction and falsehoods claims she knows what is good for America. In a culture that finds the Kardashian’s talented, reality TV real, unemployed people lazy, a President not a citizen, immigration not a piece of the history of this nation, Mike Huckabee a spokesperson for Jesus FOX News, news Sarah Palin has has become the idol for the frenetic, crazed brains dead and delirious. She has become a monster created by the townspeople who willingly and intently wants to destroy over 200 years of decency and democracy. When I read about this woman, I worry about her living in an alternate reality, but I worry so much more about those who would prefer to live there with her. There is an epidemic of stupid, and Sarah Palin is patient 1.
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