Saturday, April 18, 2015

I do, you don't

Suddenly the question so 2015 du jour for the boys of the T-bagging party is the burning issue of “would you attend a same-sex wedding”? You gotta take a stance before answering this question cause the inbred Christian Crusaders who sadly create the base of the T-bagging party need to know just how Un-American and VERY Christian you are before they carry their assault weapons to the voting booth and place a a cross next to your name. If you play it too cool like Marco Rubio speaking out of both sides of his mouth who insists same-sex marriages are immoral but he would reluctantly attend if it were a loved one or friend you might immediately dismiss the goons who have evidence it was Jesus Christ wearing a white wig pretending to be George Washington. If you just love to be a sassy politician, the son of an immigrant who left and island filled with persecution just to run for president and persecute citizens of your adopted country like Ted Cruz you will dismiss this question as an attempt by the Lame Street Press to fill their editorials with ‘gotcha questions and and provide the answer, ‘I will not answer’. Or you could be the man who hangs himself on a cross at his home whenever he has free time, Rick Santorum and who has a distillery in his basement turning water into wine and with the firmest conviction and hardest New Testament ever published shoved up his ass and say Damn (pardon me God) no!

Perhaps if this same-sex marriage question is a gut check query to decide who is more Jesus Christ like then Jesus himself, you may want to add one more question to the mix; “would you attend the wedding of a heterosexual male who had cheated on his first wife, had one or two adulterous affairs with her first or second husband, was known to bathe in infidelity throughout their entire first, second or third marriages, or who married a non-virgin in the first place”? I wonder just which T-bagging presidential primary wanna be’s would answer those questions?

I don’t care who attends a same-sex wedding. If you happen to be Gay and invite a homophobe to honor you that is for you and you loved one to deal with. If you invite a religious hypocrite to attend your second or third or fourth wedding that is your burden to deal with. Who the fuck cares about attending those wedding, BUT we all should give a FUCK about not being able to marry the people we love!

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