Despite the fact Texas has the third largest rate of HIV infection in the country, Texas House Republicans have voted to give funds targeted for HIV screening to abstinence only education. Texas State Rep. Stuart Spitzer, made no secret of his intentions when he introduced a budget amendment that would take millions targeted for HIV and STD screening and give it to abstinence only (non)-education programs. He said it very plainly: "(My) goal is for everybody to be abstinent until they’re married." When forced to face the inconvenient fact that Texas has the third-highest number of HIV cases in the country, and the third highest rate of teen pregnancy, Rep.Spitzer admitted that Texas’ abstinence education program "may not be working well," but said the HIV/STD prevention program received a lot more money than the abstinence only program receives, so it could afford to give some of it up. After robbing from HIV and STD prevention programs to pay to keep Texas teens ignorant, the Texas House then went on to ban Planned Parenthood and other "abortion affiliates" from providing sex education materials in schools. (New Civil Rights Movement)
The slogan goes don’t mess with Texas, but there no shortage in messing with Texans. Texas prides itself in small government, yet indulges in creating government regulations to keep its population unhealthy, ill informed, Christianly Conservative, and abundantly stupid. Admitting that the current abstinence only programs DO NOT WORK, another Born Again boob, placing his own inadequate knowledge of sexuality above reality wants to Christianize the citizens of Texas and keep ‘dem ladies shackled at the heel, with an apron around their bodice and deny them any self sought pleasures they desire, ANYWAY! Not only does Rep Spitzer wish to act as ethics grand pooh bah for the little lassies, he is sure as brim fired up to see that the sinners who actually can be cured of real diseases suffer. One has to wonder if Rep Spitzer will hire Bristol Palin as his role model spokesperson so she can bilk the abstinence only coffers of Texas as she did nationally.
It seems in some prejudiced, and fearful realm where most Bible thumpers dwell, reality is a dubious annoyance, while here-say, self interpretation of God triumph disregarding any civil rights and civil well being. It seems that the more the misogynist, homophobe, become the majority, the rest of society will decay and disappear. Rep Spitzer is no longer the symbolic tip of the iceberg, he is sadly the real deal floating deep in the underground waters of freedom restrictions at the ready to wreck anyone’s life boat. LITTLE men like Spitzer should be laughed at, ridiculed for their self interests and small minds, but in the state of Texas, he wields a whole lot BIG worry!
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