On Tuesday April 28, 2015 the Supreme Court begins discussion on an issue of equality or separate but equal for Americans who happen to be homosexual. These men and women assigned to the highest court in our nation by mere men (Presidents of the US)will debate on the legitimacy of love and if that love can be considered legal. In assignment to the highest court of our land, these Justices are to preside as if they were High Priests, but indeed High Priests of a nation supposedly founded on separation of church and state.
Over the past year men and women, mere mortals have taken it upon themselves to act like children of a homophobic God, assigning God like attributes to their human hates, and have insisted that THEY and only THEY know what true love IS and what it ISN’T! Throughout the past year THEY pretend that THEIR God has written the Constitution, is a vengeful deity, insisting that war be declared against THEIR self proclaimed sinners. THESE men and women have enlisted as soldiers for a God they believe is the only true God of the USA; this God who is not only Christian, but Evangelical Christian. Recently the leadership of this self identified Christian militia have stated that they will risk THEIR lives, taking military action to defend THEIR warrior God’s request. (This is the same kind of action taken during the Civil War when the Christian God at that time was a Racist insisting that war be declared against the Negro, because God forbid all Americans deserve equal rights!)
We are told as humans, that history is filled with lessons by which we should take heed; knowing that each step forward should take us in a direction with less mud on our souls from the road behind us. As Americans we have waded in a history filled with overt and direct discrimination. We have squandered time treating people of color as cattle, women as chattel, people of minority religions as criminals and celebrated difference as dangerous. We have forgotten the major purposes of the Founding Fathers of this nation who stated that freedom was inherent, and have traded that ideal for a more sinister idea of alienation and abuse.With the silence of the majority we have permitted a minority to fill the air with loathing, hate and fear. We now have nine Justices who will either assign a new Commandment “thou shalt not”, or will sign into law equality for all!
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