Saturday, February 27, 2016

Welcome to 'Merica

Welcome to ‘Merica, ‘Meirca-stan, ‘Meri-raq, ‘Mer-abia. We all thought over these past few decades that the enemy was a foreigner from places called Russia, China, North Korea, Iran but lo and behold they ain’t the scary monsters from whom we must find cover, heck no, our enemies are guys and gals who believe the South won the Civil War, that Jesus was then first president of the USA, and that the only amendment Jesus wrote when he wrote the Constitution was the 2nd Amendment. Yeppers by golly and yee-haw the enemy has clearly identified itself, nope not ISIS, not those Commies, but they call themselves the Base voters of the Republican Party or Patriots/ or the KKK, or the Koch Brothers and sometimes even the Aryan Race. We have spent all this time and money over the past few decades building missiles, destroyers, carpet bombs and water boarding to destroy our enemy from afar, but with the Presidential Primary battle in place, the winner trying to be the most vociferous voice of madness urging the most extreme anti -democratic violence and venom the real enemies pretend to wrap themselves in an abridged Bible, a never read copy of the Constitution and hide undercover in the guise of FOX News, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh and identify themselves as Trump, Rubio, Cruz and Carson.

Hold on to your history books, your encyclopedia’s your memories of a nation revered for its intelligence and forward thinking cause the boys of the GOP ain’t gonna stand for none of that shit. History is full of facts, facts cause a person to think for themselves, thinking for yourselves means you want to seek freedom, equality, fairness and justice. This is ‘Merica 2016 where facts are so yesterday, bias, bogus and bigotry are the main courses to learn in this newly Jesused society. Slavery was capitalism at its best, feminism leads to lesbianism, fascism is a form of flattery, hate is the 11th commandment right after the 10th which is thou shalt kill. This is the ‘Merica-stan, we will kill you if you don’t covert to Christianity, you know the goods kind like they had in Crusades, we will send you to labor camp if you are Gay and dare you to try and breed, we will build walls if you are not of the correct color, white and laugh as we make you build it for us and of course pay for it.

This is ‘Mer-abia. make sure you take pictures of the four seasons or the shoreline because your grandkids will no idea it doesn’t do anything but get hot, with dead fish floating all over the place. Make sure horde oxygen masks cause clean air will only be for the 1%. This is ‘Merica, and just so you understand its not that the South Will Rise Again, it already has.

Friday, February 26, 2016


If I hear one more entertainer of news ask “how did we create this Donald Trump for President monster i will have to take my television set stand on a balcony throw it from the highest point scream "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore”, just like the character Howard Beale lamented in the movie ‘Network’. Of course we know how we created Donald Trump. The las decade if anything demanded quick, fast responses. If a heinous act of mayhem or murder happened the cable networks gladly suggested the motives even before most police could arrive on the scene. A tragedy happens and the cable news networks would give that Tragedy a name and its own theme song. Cable new networks hired ex-reality stars to act as journalists, comedians to become political pundents, and use opinions as facts. We know how the Donald Trump presidency was created. Glossy is everything. Gross and glossy to be exact. We made the Kardashian’s wealthy because they were sassy, they were stupid, they were anything but sophisticated, and it all started with a taboo porno flick of her ass. We believed that true love could be found from the Bachelor or Bachelorette. We were like moths attracted to a torch loved the shines of object, fooled by its sheer glow never asking what it might be made of.  Crass was cool, walking down the street on your phone demanding immediate response from a text, paying no mind to anything or anyone around you. Wen would sit in a Starbuck’s together but alone, once again selfishly charmed by the Internet and no at all interested in the person next to us. We know how Donald Trump’s run for presidency was created, all of us participate in behavior where the noisy attracts attention, the bright is ooh’ed and ahh’ed over, the quickness of response is considered fact, that is how his run for president was created.

What we must concentrate on now, IS what has Donald Trump’s campaign for president CREATED! The sad thing for America is if Donald goes away, and plays the biggest joke in American politics ever, or if Donald is serious about becoming president, and does what most politicians do, pretend their words or deeds or videos of their words and deeds are not real, and he adjusts his hateful and bigoted positions; we still have the people who have crawled from under the Racist, Homophobic, Misogynist, and Bigoted  rocks. Via the media which loves some good soundbytes to promote ratings, via the media who present the Republican debacles as WWE wrestling matches, via the continuous coverage of the most vile, vicious and venomous Americans who now have permission to hate out loud, whether Donald Trump stays or goes, we NEED to worry about what he has CREATED.

Listen closely to how, or why or which way Donald will make America great great, take out all the adjectives describing his fetes of magic, and you are left these words, ME, ME, ME and of course enemy, enemy, enemy. We created Donald Trump, and he has created a group of monsters who had always been shoved to the basement. They are now climbing the stairs to first floor, some of them out the front door, and THEY will not be stopped, whether it is President Trump or not!

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Dumb-ocracy has become the new version of democracy. The more tall tales told about maybe’s and what if’s, about greater, grander and better have replaced common sense and fact. History has either been deleted, or re-told. The Civil War was never about slavery, just the ability for states to administer the kind of laws they prefer. Slavery was the first form of capitalism, the Founding Father’s were all Christian and never ever wanted a divide between church and state, and “Trickle Down Economics” made the poor work harder to become wealthy. Dumb-ocracy is the answer because it provides you with non details on how to make life better, just the promise that IT WILL get better. Dumb-ocracy permits you to hate with confidence, to single out the enemy, to place blame for your own mistakes on anyone but you.

The Supreme Court filled with activist Republican justices promote Dumb-ocracy by permitting states to decide who should vote, who of course should be denied the vote and that one citizen one vote is so yesterday’s democracy and out dated. Corporations have become people, people with a lot of money, and money of course is what counts when election time is near. Dumb-ocracy is all about which Americans deserve the rights and freedoms of this nation and then denying those same opportunities to a perceived enemy. Dumb-ocracy thrives on hypocrisy, keeping the ignorant stupid, and ill informed. Dumb-ocracy also thrives knowing that the very smart sometimes are too smart for their own good and thus become aloof pretending that this is all nonsense and reason will prevail. Dumb-ocracy promotes smart people to keep their heads in the sand.

Dumb-ocracy encourages a Donald Trump to be bigger,better, best because all Dumb-ocracy wants is for the public to hear sound bytes, it wants the public to pretend that watching the Republicans is similar to a WWE wrestling match where the good guys are all shiny and glowing and the bad guys are full of the foulest intentions. The audiences love to see just how bad the bad guy can get, too many good guys out there anyway. Dumb-ocracy has over taken Democracy beginning back in the days when Karl Rove understood the idea of divisive politics; creating a bad guy, insisting fear on a particular demographic, never telling us what we might do to solve the problem but what we HAVE to do to rid it! Dumb-ocracy is the life blood of Trump, Cruz and Rubio and with each sound byte, each lie and each lack of substantial statement gone un checked, Dumb-ocracy wins and wins and wins.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hey Heidi

Hey Heidi Cruz, so it seems you, your father in-law and husband believed that Jesus took time for AL the evilness in the world to actually tell your family that Teddy boy is a prophet and a direct messenger from God himself. I just wonder Heidi while Jesus was telling you that Teddy boy would show the face of God, did that God ask you any questions about your work at Goldman Sachs, did he mention anything about bad loans, fraudulent mortgages, unbelievable salaries; or Heidi dear has you Jesus become more of venture capitalist discarding his old Jewish socialist ways?

And Heidi Cruz, I also have to wonder while Jesus was speaking to you did you ask him why he hasn’t bothered to check in on Jamal the black kid from Flint who will now have to face life with lead poisoning? Or Christina the girl living in Kentucky, who has been breathing polluted air from the coal mines, and whose parents must take time off from work to travel a lot of miles to see a doctor. And then Heidi I wonder why, while Jesus was all about politics, he never had time to give that homeless Vet a buck or two as he sits there still suffering PTSD. And I wonder why your Jesus, the one who loves him a President Cruz hasn’t found the time to speak to Opal the 85 year old senior, whose kids died before her and lives alone in one room debating on whether she will eat today or stay warm? And your Lord and Savior the one who is going to show his face through your husband Ted, had he mentioned to Teddy why the Senator believes cuts in social security, education, food stamps ARE the Jesus-y thing to do?

Now let me get this straight Heidi, this same Jesus who spoke to Raphael Cruz senior and then to you is he the same God who spoke to Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry in their sleep urging them to run for president? Is he the same God who makes a commission from Pat Robertson and the 700 club taking a percentage of the dollars from people who think they need to pay to talk with him? Is this God the same God who constantly hems and haws and just hasn’t decided if Sarah Palin should run for president, the guy who just gives Bristol Palin a bunch of chances to use protection when she has sex? Heidi, Heidi, Heidi the amazing thing about America is anyone has the chance to run for president, but NOT EVERYONE has the potential.  I am wondering Heidi Cruz are you sure it WAS Jesus who spoke to you and not that party boy, that fallen angel from Hell?

Friday, February 19, 2016


The Man in the High Castle is an alternative history novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. Set in 1962, fifteen years after an alternative ending to World War II, In this novel the author begs the question “what if the German’s and the Japanese had won WWII, what kind of America would we have? The Man in the Trump Tower is a current work in progress authored by a narcissistic, careless but very carful man. It is a story about what might America look like when it elects its first Fascist president. How different will our national persona become the ignorant inherit the government reigns of America. In the book The Man in the High Tower we are able to reflect on how we escaped a very different future, one which held great persecution, bigotry and madness. The Man in the Trump Tower demonstrates how America will look if we don’t stop persecution, bigotry and madness.

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street and episode of the Twilight Zone, suggests space aliens could be living as family in the neighborhood who can appear human, suddenly dire situations happen and the search is on within this once docile neighborhood as to who should be trusted and who should be feared. In this current season of political warfare, we are witnessing the same kind of fearful conclusions that all unnecessary bad things are happening in the neighborhood of America because some of us are monsters. The neighborhood watch person in the newest adaptation of the Monsters Are Due on Pennsylvania Avenue is Ted Cruz. He has aroused the superstitious nature of his neighbors and has reminded them that difference is NOT good. As in the Twilight Zone episode when calamity happens neighborly love is never used to find solution, instead neighbor is pitted against neighbor. If America is NOT working it must be the Gays, wait, its the Mexicans, no it must be the loose women, perhaps it is the people of color, no it must be the non Evangelical Christian. In the Twilight Zone episode while chaos is reigning supreme on Maple Street we fade to space aliens sitting inside their spaceship, hooting and hollering saying look at these crazy people too afraid of one another to find a solution that will aid one another. In the current episode of Monsters Are Due on Pennsylvania Avenue we watch ted Cruz and his PACS wonder what kind of lies, fabrications, and fault can we provide for a very confused and angry Republican electorate?

The scary thing about reality is the part where fiction begins to take on a life as fact and we believe in all the wrong stuff!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Game

So now the Game IS On…Your Republican/GOP/Tea Baggers have decided to play the game WHO IS.. Trump calls Cruz big liar, imagine the nerve Trump calling Cruz a bigger liar then he. Cruz tries to out Latin Rubio in a game of who speaks Spanish better, while both men try to out ban immigrants more then the other. Trump calls Bush’s brother out for NOT keeping us safe, Bush Jr complains that AFTER 911, we were safe, Trump calls that BS, W steps forward out of his art gallery and whines that without his leadership we would have been even less safe. Bush wants NO abortions and swears he will erase Roe V Wade, Rubio will go beyond that handing out chastity belts to women, Cruz, will issue the Scarlet Letter, and Trump says he might date his daughter. They all call each other someone worse than Hilary Clinton. The Game Is On and the losers will be America if we are so delirious with the stupid that we permit the uneducated, the angry, the bigoted, the racist, the homophobe, the misogynist, the xenophobe, the anti-semite to become the next president. So you call yourself a proud Republican and are not repulsed by any or all of these people who hate democracy, despise equality, and work for the dollars of the breed of people, the Corporations.

The Game IS On… suddenly that held to the heart next to the Bible, the US Constitution which a crowd of sons and daughters of the Confederate believe is the law of the land until it does not suit their purposes, is discarded in the belief that true democracy is based on gerrymandered districts, un supervised PAC’s restrictive Voter ID Laws, and not on the premise one-vote one person. So while Bush, and Trump, and Cruz and Rubio pretend that the Founding Fathers founded a Christian nation the Senators from very Red States which will remain very Red States because the Supreme Court believes that the 1% can and should buy anything they want, NOW want to deny President Obama yet ONE more opportunity be president in a country which at the time still had some semblance of democracy and voted him into office by a majority. So you call yourself a proud Republican  and are not disturbed that the GOP is becoming a dictatorship, a theocratic, fascist dictatorship. So you hate Bernie the Socialist, or Hilary the woman and you think somehow in the batch of bogus you can find one man left who has anything presidential about him.

The Game IS On… and here is the scary deal, no one wins if any of the Republican self absorbed men become president, and worst of all no one wins if the Congress full of rigged votes and high paid puppets remains the majority. You honestly have to ask yourself, is what you see and hear from the people representing the Republican party the kind of place you want your kids, the women in your life, your LGBT family and friends, those who are people of color, people who do not practice any religion or not the Christian religion…is the kind of nation you can look them in the eye and say I am proud to be an American. The Game IS on and there is either so much to win or lose!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Passing Away

When I became 13, in the Jewish tradition, I was suddenly a man. For my family this meant that I had an obligation to attend then funerals of some people who were called cousins, but many I had never met. My Grandma Braff was the Matriarch of the Romanian side of the family and she believed that it was a necessary obligation to attend  a funeral of a family member, but once at the funeral she also had certain ideas as to how we would respect and accept the death of that relative. By the time i was 13 Grandma Braff seemed old to me, it is amazing for me how suddenly I began to notice that the people in my life somehow or other became old. In her later years Grandma Braff stopped carrying about what the world expected and instead became a bit more concerned about setting thing straight. I remember, it was December, I became a Bar Mitzvah in October, when a cousin hannah had passed away. My Grandma Braff used the term passed away, as she believed the dead did indeed pass and for some of her relatives as far away as they could go was much better for the living. We had a cousin Hannah, in my family the generation of cousins my mothers age all seemed to be named Hannah. This was my first funeral as a so called man and my Grandma Braff wanted to show me the ropes. The coffin of cousin Hannah was an open casket, something I had not expected to see. My Grandma took me by the hand and said as the next man in the family I should understand a few details about the dead. Grandma Braff walked me over to the open casket and said look at her so you remember, you may not have known her but you should remember. I peeked with one eye as this dead person scared me. Then my Grandma got serious. She said because someone dies does make them a martyr, as a matter of fact you should feel a bit sad they are no longer among the living, but perhaps being dead for certain people is NOT that  awful either. Cousin Hannah was an instigator, a liar, a conniver and a thief. She was poison and tried to make other peoples live as miserable as her own. her family grieves for her but in reality they know how much better off they are because she can do no  ore harm. Grandma Braff looked at me and finished her lecture by adding, most people live, hopefully to bring hope and help into the lives of others, but now and again God plays a trick and and permits some people to do nothing but make life miserable. God respects those of us who discover the difference between his creations of hope and his manifestations of hate. I do not hate cousin Hannah, but she was full of hate. I am sorry she died but glad we no longer must pretend her life was worthwhile. My Grandma Braff then turned me around and said go over to her family say how sorry you are for Hannah’s death, but know it is the best thing for the rest of us.

Anton Scalia has passed away. I am a gay man who happens to have women in my life as well as people of color. I believe that the Constitution states clearly of an intentional divide between Church and State. I believe that all of us are equal and that the Constitution is the base for democracy but a livable  direction which intended to understand the needs, wants and obligations of the future. I will turn around and look at Justice Scalia’s family and send my condolences, which of course they will never hear, and then I will say this man was not a good guy, and perhaps with his death equality, freedom and justice for all Americans can thrive. I am not sure how to feel when someone dies who I know of, but I do know how to feel when that person while alive had no respect for my life. Anton Scalia is dead, sad but now perhaps liberty and the pursuit of happiness has more of a chance to survive!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Just don't get it!

There are REAL issues in this nation affecting REAL people with REAL consequences. We live in a nation where poverty is among all of us, homelessness rampant, people suffering from mental illness left to struggle on the street, public schools are almost as in as much dire shape as infrastructure, women cannot find quality let alone adequate health care, our environment is suffering from the squander and greed of people living in Ivory Towers the elderly are left to become nothing more than squatters, and a distrust by neighbor to neighbor touches the edges of anarchy. And yet we hear without a sigh or simmer how many millions of dollars PAC’s have raised, the rumor is with all of the presidential candidates combined PAC’s perhaps the total number of buying a president has reached a BILLION dollars.

The building in which I live in West Hollywood has an alley way an apparently it now has become home to a gentleman who IS homeless. The alley way is on a side of building I usually pas by quickly so anything besides a few feet into the alley is difficult to see. Our bedroom however is located on the alley side of the building. Today, bright an early I heard shouting, this is unusual as our building’s tenants are quiet people. At first I was about to get all hissy with Joe thinking for some reason he had the television on but then realized he had taken our dog for a walk. On the alley side of our building there was a man yelling at someone in a booming voice repeating at least TEN times in a row, “there are 1000’s and 1000’s and 1000’s etc of people like me, what are we supposed to do?” I heard a quiet voice muffled and then this gentleman’s voice booming again,”all I want is a place to sleep and something to eat”, and then he began his tirade about the 1000’s of people who he added this time are JUST people”.

I too often wonder how in this nation of ours we do have not 1000’s but maybe millions of people who JUST want a place to sleep, some food to eat, a shower, decent clothes and the ability to be treated as human. Be it our Vets, the elderly whose family has abandoned them, workers whose jobs were sent overseas, or a family of four who continues to earn a wage which by no means is minimum. We had the Super Bowl being told how many millions were spent on just the commercials. We have billionaires able to find the money to buy their next politician, we have corporations reaping benefits of less taxable dollars, we have PAC’s dropping millions of dollars. Yet when it comes to human beings, (even though so many Americans pretend this a IS a Christian nation), money is scare, and to assist anyone in need we are told is making them lazy, unmotivated, a drag on society. There are REAL issues in this nation of life and death, suffering and fear. I don’t understand who WE have become as a species, just don’t get it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Eat Our Own

We eat our own. Yep, the thing about Democrats/Progressives/Liberals et al is that we eat our own and almost delight in doing so for some greater cause, that never sees fruition simply because as we raise our bar higher so no one seems to be able to jump over it. Bernie is too Progressive, Hilary is too Moderate. Bernie once was on the NRA’s favorable list, Hillary starts too many wars. Bernie will destroy ObamaCare, Hillary will be a lackey of the drug companies. Hillary thinks she is a feminist because she has a vagina, Bernie could never be a feminist because he has no vagina. Hillary supported her husband when he cheated she has no morals, Bernie is a Socialist and made friends with Fidel Castro. Democrats/Progressives/Liberals always berate the Republicans for their purity test, but somehow this election cycle we too have been giving litmus tests that never prove how true we are but love to find how false we might be.  And the biggest saddest laugh is that either President Sanders or President Clinton with an all Republican/Tea Bagging majority in the House and Senate will be just like President Obama stuck and stumped by men and women who only serve the greater good of their puppet masters and their own selfish self interests. 

Why must we always search for the differences and not try to find the similarities. If Bernie is too Progressive and Hillary is too Moderate , why not push them find something closer to compromise. No matter their polices or positions if the Republican/Tea Baggers remain in control of Congress it a’ain’t gonna matter”. Yeah lets stand on ceremony and show ourselves that we are pissed by not voting for Bernie or for Hillary. By not voting we can induct the newest Republican/Tea bagger in the White House who will cut of affordable health cafe, will try to define the rights of same-sex couples to be legally married. Will take control of women’s vagina’s, will build walls and carpet bomb. By not voting for Bernie or Hillary we will certainly agree that “Black Lives Don’t Matter, that social security is just easy way for old people to rob the government, that this IS not a nation of immigrants, and that the South had indeed won the Civil War. Let Bernie and Hillary debate, but push both to agree their point and then insist they both find common ground.

Lets be clear, Barack Obama won with impressive numbers but the day of his Inauguration the Republican/Tea Baggers met and decided to just say NO, to anything and everything Obama. So when Hillary and Bernie are vying for attention, we had better ask them to also pay attention to the men and women who can and will permit government to function in a democratic fashion. Democrats/Progressives/Liberals usually try and take a higher road, but with all of the stuff hanging on their bodies and minds they somehow never seem to make it to the peak. Bernie and Hillary debate your asses off, but find time to then say this is how we can work together, cause President Cruz, Trump or Rubio will have the final say!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Oh Men

Then men are back, the Tea-Bagging Republican Christian Crusaders who believe government is too big except of course when it comes to your female “girlie” parts, The men are back of course surrounded by their chattel, the women who understand feet tied, aprons on and lips sealed make you so much more a female. First there was the whole discussion by the Republican Crusaders that rape might be legitimate if the “babe’ was flirty and filthy and that as a married woman you have no legal rights to deny your husband his NEED for sex.Now, because of the misogynist Republican candidates running for President the legitimacy of rape is not the issue, because that was so 2012, now it is about the gifts Jesus and his messengers have, (that stranger lurking in the bushes, that up tight loser never having had a date, your father who finds you as appealing as Donald Trump does his daughter or even your brother who thinks you are a fine looking woman) are at the ready to present you with a sperm to meet your egg and whamo-bamo you got a zygote. And as Marco (the Moderate!?) Rubio says along with Republican state legislatures the act of rape may be difficult, but Honey, look at the reward! Marco says he understands your pain, but Babe just wait for the pleasure of bring your rapists baby to full term.

Then men are back, the Tea-Bagging Republican Christian Crusaders who believe government is too big except of course when it comes to your bedroom if you happen to be lying in that bed as a same-sex couple. The Supreme Court according to the laws of the Patriots of the Tea Party States of America are useless, cause unless it is stated in the approved parts of a Bible, written, rewritten, edited and reedited over thousand of years it don’t exist! Marco (the chameleon) Rubio made is pickle juice sucking face in New Hampshire and insisted that same-sex marriage is not the law, when told in fact is the law and especially in that state a law passed by its own representatives, Marco acted so much the adolescent brat and you have your opinion and I have mine. And Marco calls President Obama a divisive leader. The men and of course the women who by the Bible should be seen and not heard, but forth that golden rule don’t like the homosexual. These folk so insecure about their own sexuality fear the “others” and care even less about the democracy of this nation.

I am so confused, honestly amazed that people who pride themselves in being Republican can in fact state that they may vote for one of the current crop of homophobes, misogynists, white supremacists, racists, liars, paid for by the 1%. Nothing wrong with being Republican but this year your slew of candidates have everything wrong for America. If you are a Republican do you not have a woman in your family or group of friends, are you NOT a female? If you are a Republican do you not have a homosexual family member or friend or are you NOT Gay? Come on at least Hillary and genie use words like INCLUSIVE, EQUALITY, FAIR. The men are back who think catering to lowest denominator of Americans gives them the right to govern, the rest of the country. Oh Man!  

Monday, February 8, 2016

Oh, Marco!

Hey Gals, ‘you got a bun in the oven’ from someone you might call a Stranger, or maybe Dad, Bro, or best friend of Bro? You got the “pregs”, because some dude felt there was a little gift he wanted to give you wrapped up as a sperm special delivered as rape or maybe incest? Dontcha’ worry, cause Presidential candidate Marco Rubio knows that your unexpected schtoop was just a reminder from Jesus that he loves you. Get over it says the chameleon disguised as some kind of Evangelical misogynist, it may have been quite THE ordeal having a man pin you down as he approached you with a gun or knife, or beat you in the face, but Hon Jesus still loves you and now that ill gotten rape well GET OVER IT, cause Jesus just gave you a gift. Yep one more Republican who pretends that there is no war on women, parading around as a Disciple of Christ knows better then you that you should never look a gift horse, (especially if Jesus is riding that horse) in the mouth. Yeah, Bernie Sanders is a socialist, Hilary is not a moderate, democrats hate the US, BUT Republicans, well they know EXACTLY how you should feel, and will do everything in their power to make sure you understand THAT!

Now lets say that future president Rubio makes sure that abortion, not only is abhorrent, but will presto chango make it a crime against humanity upon his inauguration. So there you are with the Jesus gift, but say you live in poverty, or barely make a living wage, or maybe you are one of the millions who if Marco becomes dictator loses affordable health care, (BECAUSE nothing says Communism then being healthy) what to do? Planned Parenthood will become extinct in the Marco for President administration, any health clinic will be run by a bunch of Christians who will of course judge just how holy you are, so if you got raped you had better tell them Dad has visiting rights or you will have to find the kind of doctors who used to live in back alleys and had collections of hangers for medicinal purposes.

Here we go again, the Republicans talking smack about vagina’s, female genitalia (remember there are bunch of white men who know that little boys will dress up in lady clothing trying to get into the bathroom with your daughters feigning they are Trans this or that) letting you know that they are pro life until the moment that life breathes oxygen. Marco Rubio is supposedly the “main stream Republican”, imagine that and then imagine how insane the main stream Republicans are in 2016. Rape, schmape, you are a female so understand this, if you want equal wages for equal work, want to join the military, refuse to just be teachers, secretaries or nurses, then Babe you got take what a man has to give. And what that man has to give could be something from Jesus then so back with a pillow over your head, a knife to your throat, legs spread as wide as possible and sing halleluya cause Marco Rubio knows your pain but KNOW  he will certainly share in your delight 9 months from now!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Governor's Balls

There is an almost scientifically proven fact that if you actually listen to too many raps from Sarah Palin, the gray matter of your brain shrinks. Scientists have proof, look closely at the people who actually listen to her rap/poetry compare their intellectual ability in areas of science (if ain’t created by God it don’t exist), the Constitution(all of the founding fathers were evangelicals) women’s rights(they are chattel and exist because of Adam's rib) and perhaps a million other otherworldly bigoted, racist ideas. And even more frightening there are actually some townsfolk walking around speaking Palin-ese and can actually translate the most gibberish of nonsense. I was always worried how close Sarah Palin came to becoming the Vice President, but forgot in my “thank God” feeling she was once a Governor and had the power of her people in her miserable, mindless hands. But Sarah was a GOP spotlight and a person who fell within the Reagan Doctrine never speak ill of Republicans, even the crazy ones.

We know that “thank goodness” Governor Palin quit her job (they say for fear of truth being found as how shifty she was) but I believe Sarah’s attention span can only go so far; listen to how she speaks! But folks we have a cadre of current Republican Governors who make the “crazy lady” of Alaska seem sane. Republican Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan prefers poisoning people in his state for financial reasons. I guess he figures the more poor people of color who die are less people who need food stamps, housing and jobs. The you got Governor Paul LaPage of Maine. This dude thinks that black rappers are waiting to sell dope to white ladies and then of course rape them. And Governor LaPage believes that his Mainer’s should take up guns and hunt down the drug dealers and then bring them to his newly created guillotine. Then you have Governor Gregg Abbot of Texas who thinks guns, guns, guns will make EVERYONE safer and if he can’t get his Texans the amount of guns he wants Texas should succeed from the Union. Then there is Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma who has no time to consider the growing amount of Earthquakes in her state that started in earnest when fracking started in earnest. Nor does Governor Fallin think that solar energy is free and cleaner then oil because her puppet masters who pay her way happen to be into the oil. You want more Governor Rick Scott of Florida insists NO ONE in his administration say the words “climate change”, or global warming. I suppose he already sold his beach front property in Miami.

Somehow American’s seem to think the past seven years have been dysfunctional because of the Kenyan Socialist sitting in the White House. You can hear the rambling answers as to why Republican politicos say their candidates are better for America blaming the Emperor in the Oval Office for all that has gone wrong. But if there is any sanity left consider the facts of a lessening of the recession, more job growth, affordable health care, same-sex marriage,and juxtapose that against the Republicans on the first day of Obama’s administration pledging to NOT LET ONE OF HIS BILLS become law. The Democrats are not always the one with the right answers, but if you look closely at the Republicans they seem to only have the wrong answers.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A Horror Movie

Horror movies, the real scary kind where the director lets you peek at the monster, not a clear shot, but enough of an outline to get an idea of what is waiting for you. The kind of horror movies where you end up in a house with a bunch of friends because it seems to be the safest place to hide from the horrendous and calculated mayhem and murder only a very evil monster can provide. Horror movies where lurking outside that farm house you just entered, is a beast an inhuman creature with billowing howls or promises of trust me as he has his fangs ready to bite, or the kind of maniac that can change his shape to become one thing and then immediately another, so you never know what will get you. Horror movies where you are on some bumpkin back road with nothing but corn stalks creating mazes but most likely just an excuse to keep the home owner from the real world. Horror movies where there are at least four people running into that creepy house slamming the door as we see the shadowy thing lurking in the mist.Horror movies where one person swears run into the attic will keep you safe, when another person shouts to the dank dark basement or finally one off the group demands you hide in that room in the corner of the house the one with no lights and only one door. Since there are four of you and three choices the fourth person in the party must choose where to run and which space to claim a sense of hope. A horror movie whose location is a house with four people who must immediately caucus to decide their fate in some sullen sad village, perhaps located in Iowa!

A horror movie the Iowa Republican Caucus a carnival for those who fear who seek refuge from an imaginary world in which to hate but real monsters from which they should feel fear. Pick the attic to run away from the billowing monster Donald Trump. Nothing can go wrong in an attic with boxes, closets, cobwebs and clutter and clowns with golden complexions hair so hideous you want to pee your pants when seeing it. No, choose the dark basement, go to the area where the coal cellar used to be or tool shed with rusted tools all sharp. Nothing can go wrong waiting in the pit of the house for cunning con artist of a monster who pleads you should trust him knowing full well he wouldn’t trust himself, Ted Cruz! Wait take that far away room in the corner of the house so tucked away that even finding it is difficult. If you can hardly find that room how will the shape-shifting monster get in and if he does how will you know he is one of you or really isn’t, Marco Rubio! 

Three choices to hide, to pretend all be well if you choose a room in the house, but then in every movie there is the really smart person. He/she understands that the bluster, the blood, the curdling screams off terror are usually confined to the house and that the monster planned the whole trap. This hero gets it, don’t play the monsters game choose something else, not the attic, the basement, the isolated room, take your chances run outside away from the house and then make your choice. You don’t have to select Trump, Cruz, or Rubio and in doing so you might actually get to live another day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

STATE of affairs

A bunch of homophobes, people claiming that their religion is greater than the Constitution, folk who have no need to worry about the changing climate, Iowans who prefer war to peace, hate to love and bad to good spent their Caucus’s voting for a man more evil than Trump, more manipulating than Trump a self anointed prophet and someone who disregards the rights of women, who even, his own daughter refuses to let him kiss her…Ted Cruz. Perhaps his first place win took some of the braggart out of Trump, but it has deepened a wider knot of disconcerting and discontent in a land that once was a democracy. 

Ted Cruz won the Iowa Caucus vote, making the Tea-Party Republicans so happy to endorse a man who stood on the same stage as a minister who said God wants Gays dead, murdering them would not be a sin. Ted Cruz looked into the camera of FOX and said he wants to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act on his first day, when asked what the millions already on Obama care would get instead, he differed and use a bunch of lying talking points but never once explaining The ACA replacement. Ted Cruz, the Iowa Caucus favorite was also endorsed by a living cartoon, a man who is a reality star living inn his own reality. The Duck Grandpa who thinks having sex with 15 year old girls is okay because it is written in the Bible. Ted Cruz is the Iowa TeaParty/Republican winner and still will tell you that the Planned Parenthood videos are real, the true Supreme Court Justice is Jesus and that this nation is born and bred Christian.

Are you a proud Republican today? are you swooning because one narcissist was beaten by another narcissist, both off whom if elected will ignore any law they disapprove of or better that Jesus might disapprove of. Say what you will about Hilary or Bernie, but both of those candidates say words like “Black Lives Matter, LBGT’s are Americans deserving equal rights, women DO have the only justifiable control of their bodies, this nation was created to enjoy freedom from religion and not freedom for one religion. Neither Bernie or Hilary of course are the ideal candidate, but both do not want to build walls, carpet bomb, reduce Social Security to a department of Goldman Sachs. The Republican Iowans decided that xenophobia, Islamaphobia, misogyny, homophobia are all that will make America better. What a sad STATE of affairs.