Welcome to ‘Merica, ‘Meirca-stan, ‘Meri-raq, ‘Mer-abia. We all thought over these past few decades that the enemy was a foreigner from places called Russia, China, North Korea, Iran but lo and behold they ain’t the scary monsters from whom we must find cover, heck no, our enemies are guys and gals who believe the South won the Civil War, that Jesus was then first president of the USA, and that the only amendment Jesus wrote when he wrote the Constitution was the 2nd Amendment. Yeppers by golly and yee-haw the enemy has clearly identified itself, nope not ISIS, not those Commies, but they call themselves the Base voters of the Republican Party or Patriots/ or the KKK, or the Koch Brothers and sometimes even the Aryan Race. We have spent all this time and money over the past few decades building missiles, destroyers, carpet bombs and water boarding to destroy our enemy from afar, but with the Presidential Primary battle in place, the winner trying to be the most vociferous voice of madness urging the most extreme anti -democratic violence and venom the real enemies pretend to wrap themselves in an abridged Bible, a never read copy of the Constitution and hide undercover in the guise of FOX News, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh and identify themselves as Trump, Rubio, Cruz and Carson.
Hold on to your history books, your encyclopedia’s your memories of a nation revered for its intelligence and forward thinking cause the boys of the GOP ain’t gonna stand for none of that shit. History is full of facts, facts cause a person to think for themselves, thinking for yourselves means you want to seek freedom, equality, fairness and justice. This is ‘Merica 2016 where facts are so yesterday, bias, bogus and bigotry are the main courses to learn in this newly Jesused society. Slavery was capitalism at its best, feminism leads to lesbianism, fascism is a form of flattery, hate is the 11th commandment right after the 10th which is thou shalt kill. This is the ‘Merica-stan, we will kill you if you don’t covert to Christianity, you know the goods kind like they had in Crusades, we will send you to labor camp if you are Gay and dare you to try and breed, we will build walls if you are not of the correct color, white and laugh as we make you build it for us and of course pay for it.
This is ‘Mer-abia. make sure you take pictures of the four seasons or the shoreline because your grandkids will no idea it doesn’t do anything but get hot, with dead fish floating all over the place. Make sure horde oxygen masks cause clean air will only be for the 1%. This is ‘Merica, and just so you understand its not that the South Will Rise Again, it already has.