If I hear one more entertainer of news ask “how did we create this Donald Trump for President monster i will have to take my television set stand on a balcony throw it from the highest point scream "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore”, just like the character Howard Beale lamented in the movie ‘Network’. Of course we know how we created Donald Trump. The las decade if anything demanded quick, fast responses. If a heinous act of mayhem or murder happened the cable networks gladly suggested the motives even before most police could arrive on the scene. A tragedy happens and the cable news networks would give that Tragedy a name and its own theme song. Cable new networks hired ex-reality stars to act as journalists, comedians to become political pundents, and use opinions as facts. We know how the Donald Trump presidency was created. Glossy is everything. Gross and glossy to be exact. We made the Kardashian’s wealthy because they were sassy, they were stupid, they were anything but sophisticated, and it all started with a taboo porno flick of her ass. We believed that true love could be found from the Bachelor or Bachelorette. We were like moths attracted to a torch loved the shines of object, fooled by its sheer glow never asking what it might be made of. Crass was cool, walking down the street on your phone demanding immediate response from a text, paying no mind to anything or anyone around you. Wen would sit in a Starbuck’s together but alone, once again selfishly charmed by the Internet and no at all interested in the person next to us. We know how Donald Trump’s run for presidency was created, all of us participate in behavior where the noisy attracts attention, the bright is ooh’ed and ahh’ed over, the quickness of response is considered fact, that is how his run for president was created.
What we must concentrate on now, IS what has Donald Trump’s campaign for president CREATED! The sad thing for America is if Donald goes away, and plays the biggest joke in American politics ever, or if Donald is serious about becoming president, and does what most politicians do, pretend their words or deeds or videos of their words and deeds are not real, and he adjusts his hateful and bigoted positions; we still have the people who have crawled from under the Racist, Homophobic, Misogynist, and Bigoted rocks. Via the media which loves some good soundbytes to promote ratings, via the media who present the Republican debacles as WWE wrestling matches, via the continuous coverage of the most vile, vicious and venomous Americans who now have permission to hate out loud, whether Donald Trump stays or goes, we NEED to worry about what he has CREATED.
Listen closely to how, or why or which way Donald will make America great great, take out all the adjectives describing his fetes of magic, and you are left these words, ME, ME, ME and of course enemy, enemy, enemy. We created Donald Trump, and he has created a group of monsters who had always been shoved to the basement. They are now climbing the stairs to first floor, some of them out the front door, and THEY will not be stopped, whether it is President Trump or not!