Dumb-ocracy has become the new version of democracy. The more tall tales told about maybe’s and what if’s, about greater, grander and better have replaced common sense and fact. History has either been deleted, or re-told. The Civil War was never about slavery, just the ability for states to administer the kind of laws they prefer. Slavery was the first form of capitalism, the Founding Father’s were all Christian and never ever wanted a divide between church and state, and “Trickle Down Economics” made the poor work harder to become wealthy. Dumb-ocracy is the answer because it provides you with non details on how to make life better, just the promise that IT WILL get better. Dumb-ocracy permits you to hate with confidence, to single out the enemy, to place blame for your own mistakes on anyone but you.
The Supreme Court filled with activist Republican justices promote Dumb-ocracy by permitting states to decide who should vote, who of course should be denied the vote and that one citizen one vote is so yesterday’s democracy and out dated. Corporations have become people, people with a lot of money, and money of course is what counts when election time is near. Dumb-ocracy is all about which Americans deserve the rights and freedoms of this nation and then denying those same opportunities to a perceived enemy. Dumb-ocracy thrives on hypocrisy, keeping the ignorant stupid, and ill informed. Dumb-ocracy also thrives knowing that the very smart sometimes are too smart for their own good and thus become aloof pretending that this is all nonsense and reason will prevail. Dumb-ocracy promotes smart people to keep their heads in the sand.
Dumb-ocracy encourages a Donald Trump to be bigger,better, best because all Dumb-ocracy wants is for the public to hear sound bytes, it wants the public to pretend that watching the Republicans is similar to a WWE wrestling match where the good guys are all shiny and glowing and the bad guys are full of the foulest intentions. The audiences love to see just how bad the bad guy can get, too many good guys out there anyway. Dumb-ocracy has over taken Democracy beginning back in the days when Karl Rove understood the idea of divisive politics; creating a bad guy, insisting fear on a particular demographic, never telling us what we might do to solve the problem but what we HAVE to do to rid it! Dumb-ocracy is the life blood of Trump, Cruz and Rubio and with each sound byte, each lie and each lack of substantial statement gone un checked, Dumb-ocracy wins and wins and wins.