A bunch of homophobes, people claiming that their religion is greater than the Constitution, folk who have no need to worry about the changing climate, Iowans who prefer war to peace, hate to love and bad to good spent their Caucus’s voting for a man more evil than Trump, more manipulating than Trump a self anointed prophet and someone who disregards the rights of women, who even, his own daughter refuses to let him kiss her…Ted Cruz. Perhaps his first place win took some of the braggart out of Trump, but it has deepened a wider knot of disconcerting and discontent in a land that once was a democracy.
Ted Cruz won the Iowa Caucus vote, making the Tea-Party Republicans so happy to endorse a man who stood on the same stage as a minister who said God wants Gays dead, murdering them would not be a sin. Ted Cruz looked into the camera of FOX and said he wants to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act on his first day, when asked what the millions already on Obama care would get instead, he differed and use a bunch of lying talking points but never once explaining The ACA replacement. Ted Cruz, the Iowa Caucus favorite was also endorsed by a living cartoon, a man who is a reality star living inn his own reality. The Duck Grandpa who thinks having sex with 15 year old girls is okay because it is written in the Bible. Ted Cruz is the Iowa TeaParty/Republican winner and still will tell you that the Planned Parenthood videos are real, the true Supreme Court Justice is Jesus and that this nation is born and bred Christian.
Are you a proud Republican today? are you swooning because one narcissist was beaten by another narcissist, both off whom if elected will ignore any law they disapprove of or better that Jesus might disapprove of. Say what you will about Hilary or Bernie, but both of those candidates say words like “Black Lives Matter, LBGT’s are Americans deserving equal rights, women DO have the only justifiable control of their bodies, this nation was created to enjoy freedom from religion and not freedom for one religion. Neither Bernie or Hilary of course are the ideal candidate, but both do not want to build walls, carpet bomb, reduce Social Security to a department of Goldman Sachs. The Republican Iowans decided that xenophobia, Islamaphobia, misogyny, homophobia are all that will make America better. What a sad STATE of affairs.