Then men are back, the Tea-Bagging Republican Christian Crusaders who believe government is too big except of course when it comes to your female “girlie” parts, The men are back of course surrounded by their chattel, the women who understand feet tied, aprons on and lips sealed make you so much more a female. First there was the whole discussion by the Republican Crusaders that rape might be legitimate if the “babe’ was flirty and filthy and that as a married woman you have no legal rights to deny your husband his NEED for sex.Now, because of the misogynist Republican candidates running for President the legitimacy of rape is not the issue, because that was so 2012, now it is about the gifts Jesus and his messengers have, (that stranger lurking in the bushes, that up tight loser never having had a date, your father who finds you as appealing as Donald Trump does his daughter or even your brother who thinks you are a fine looking woman) are at the ready to present you with a sperm to meet your egg and whamo-bamo you got a zygote. And as Marco (the Moderate!?) Rubio says along with Republican state legislatures the act of rape may be difficult, but Honey, look at the reward! Marco says he understands your pain, but Babe just wait for the pleasure of bring your rapists baby to full term.
Then men are back, the Tea-Bagging Republican Christian Crusaders who believe government is too big except of course when it comes to your bedroom if you happen to be lying in that bed as a same-sex couple. The Supreme Court according to the laws of the Patriots of the Tea Party States of America are useless, cause unless it is stated in the approved parts of a Bible, written, rewritten, edited and reedited over thousand of years it don’t exist! Marco (the chameleon) Rubio made is pickle juice sucking face in New Hampshire and insisted that same-sex marriage is not the law, when told in fact is the law and especially in that state a law passed by its own representatives, Marco acted so much the adolescent brat and you have your opinion and I have mine. And Marco calls President Obama a divisive leader. The men and of course the women who by the Bible should be seen and not heard, but forth that golden rule don’t like the homosexual. These folk so insecure about their own sexuality fear the “others” and care even less about the democracy of this nation.
I am so confused, honestly amazed that people who pride themselves in being Republican can in fact state that they may vote for one of the current crop of homophobes, misogynists, white supremacists, racists, liars, paid for by the 1%. Nothing wrong with being Republican but this year your slew of candidates have everything wrong for America. If you are a Republican do you not have a woman in your family or group of friends, are you NOT a female? If you are a Republican do you not have a homosexual family member or friend or are you NOT Gay? Come on at least Hillary and genie use words like INCLUSIVE, EQUALITY, FAIR. The men are back who think catering to lowest denominator of Americans gives them the right to govern, the rest of the country. Oh Man!