Back in the day, way back in 1875 ten years after the conclusion of the US Civil War, way back before the words African-American-Black-Colored Folk were used, when the favorite slur was Negro, way back then the state of Mississippi had a few problems from within its White Christian population. It seems that no matter what the law intended, White citizens of Mississippi at least the ones attending an Evangelical or Baptist Church grew quite concerned that Negro Men in particular were never satisfied with their own Negro women and were always on the hunt for women of the Caucasian persuasion. This was a serious issue for the Caucasian Men for a few reasons; God never intended for the Negro and Caucasian races to mingle, let alone have sex, the Negro was still considered a form of chattel and any God fearing Southerner would not want something sub human around his woman, and even though Mississippi was a part of the anarchists who declared war and lost Mississippians still had the right to delegate freedom and equality. Many articles were written how it made sense for the Negro not to have their males in bars, or restaurants or stores where the Caucasian female might find herself, because EVERYONE knew that at the mere sight of a White lady, the Negro male would go crazy and want to rape her. So to avoid any undo lynchings or tar and feathering on behalf of the Negro community from the Caucasian community it be best that Negro men do not find their way in the company of Caucasian women. (Now of course a white guy and a Negro woman made sense because white men have needs.)
There was US law back then, but it wasn’t Jesus’s law and any red-blooded son and daughter of the Confederacy understood, the morals and values were at stake when the US law impinged upon the rights of good God fearing bigoted Christians. No Emancipation proclamation was going to oust Jesus’s wishes and his Father’s wishes that the Caucasian Race stay separate from the Negro Race…not separate but equal, JUST SEPARATE!
In 2016, One Hundred Fifty One years since the conclusion of the Civil War, Mississippians are feeling a little nostalgia for the good old days. So their gerrymandered, voter ID restricted inbred Christian Crusaders calling themselves the People’s Legislature decided that it was time to inspect peoples penis’s and vaginas. Not being psychiatrists, or medical doctors, not knowing anything but select words from a Bible based only on Christian persuasion, the politicians of Mississippi decided to subjugate the LGBTQ citizens of their state and deny them equal access to anything from the rest rooms to that bar and grill where only heterosexuals should find themselves. Jesus once again was the reason why segregation was necessary and one might suggest the projection of their own bizarro sexual inadequacies or their own closeted personalities, were the other reasons. Again, as in the old days the Mississippi legislator is only doing this separate but not equal behavior so no one gets hurt. Just in the days where it was for the protection of the Negro to not get killed because the Whites assumed he wanted white women, this anti LGBTQ law will let those Queers not get beat up or maybe really hurt bad enough to die. It might have been the conclusion of the Civil War in 1865, but the of the Confederacy have never quite quit!