The anointed Prophet, the guy whose dad speaks to Jesus, Ted Cruz, loves playing the victim. After all he IS the Evangelical, morals/values Christian Conservative who honest to God (Not Buddha,or Mohammad or the Jewish Head Honcho) but Jesus understands not only the New Testament, but the Constitution and is about the only guy, now that Anton Scalia is dead and gone able to communicate how the two documents are really ONE. Ted Cruz with his Joe McCarthy smarmy grin and his dislike for freedoms and equality is APPALLED, is SADLY CHAGRINED, that Donald Trump (Remember when Teddy Boy and The Donald were bestie way back at the start of the GOP race to the bottom) WOULD ever have the audacity to use Heidi Cruz in a negative ad, DONAL TRUMP insulted Heidi Cruz something Ted feels is waaaaaaaaay off limits. (Oh the humanity of it all!)
We all know that Donald is great at one thing and that is marketing. Sadly Donald also is good at walking away from any mess he doesn’t like for example declaring bankruptcy, and of course marriages, so Donald of course is not taking too kindly to ANY suggestion that HE, the Donald would stoop so low as to place a glamor shot of his third wife with an every day photo of Heidi Cruz; BUT I digress! The thing IS Ted Cruz has dissed, destroyed, demonstrated disgust for other people’s wives ever since he became a Senator. Ted Cruz has ridiculed the wives who want to take control of their own bodies. Ted Cruz has restricted people’s wives from family planning by trying his best to close down Planned Parenthood Clinics. Yes Cruz has restricted husband’s and wives from creating or not creating a family the way they want to. And Ted Cruz has placed wives in a same-sex relationship in a tenuous situation by assisting in policies denying them their own existence.
Ted Cruz, love himself some self-victimization, and like any REAL hypocrite he is insulted when the actions he espouses are thrown back at him. He HAS no problem attacking other women, mothers, sisters, daughters and WIVES, but suddenly he is terribly troubled, overwrought, and hurt that ANYONE would have the NERVE to attack his “Little Lady”, Heidi!