Hey Paul Ryan a while ago there had been this meme of Eddie Munster’s picture compared to your official Paul Ryan politician photo, the resemblance was more than amazing. Both you and Eddie Munster have that boyish grin, that flock of black hair and that bit of the boy next store look. But then Paul Ryan it seems the comparison between you and Eddie Munster fades and fails. It seems the actor who played Eddie Munster pretended to be from a family of monsters, so when the TV show The Munster’s ended, the guy playing Eddie Munster would take off his make up go home and become a human again. But you Paul Ryan never take off that monster costume, because it is no costume nor facade, it is definitely part of your DNA.
It seems Paul Ryan you want to dismember the Affordable Health Care Act, you and your Tea Bagging buds have tried to eliminate the ACA never promising to replace it but with great zeal and zest repealing it. And now you have come forward with a pretend gesture taken from the 70’s where you have decided that the really ill people, the Americans suffering pain and lots of loss of money to cope with that pain should no longer be covered with reasonable health insurance. Your almost new plan it seems has little regard for anyone but the health care insurance companies who most likely have bought and purchased your public service. I am curious Paul Ryan and please answer honestly, did your form of Christianity teach you that Jesus hated the sick…did your parents insist that you become an adult with little compassion or empathy for the ill…or had you decided that the only way to become a big shot in the Republican party was to deny the average American anything affordable?
What a shame, Paul Ryan, that you are such a sham (And to think you are the third highest ranking politician in the US who could ascend to the Oval Office). I am curious Paul Ryan, how do you actually look your kids in the eye knowing that other children and parents either terminally ill, dying or spending most of their income trying to live with less pain; under your news flim/flam will not be able to continue with affordable health insurance? Monsters on TV are scary, but we ALL know that once we turn off the TV sets, those monsters fade into the black. But you Paul Ryan, you continue to provide horror and terror to the most vulnerable people, and it seems you enjoy doing it. Two monsters, Eddie Munster and Paul Ryan, one takes off his make-up the other needs no make-up just a body without a soul, conscience and a heart!