Boo-Hoo Megyn Kelly, here is one tissue for your one tear! It seems Megyn Kelly is having a bad few months ever since she was the only entertainment host from FOX to pretend to ask Donald Trump a real question; she was the perfect person, a women which FOX News assumed would fool all of its female viewers into thinking FOX News and the Republican Party of “NO” had any concerns about females. Poor Megyn was tossed, torn and finally used as feed for Donald Trump and now Megyn is stressing over the fact that she has become the victim of a bully. (Donald Trump, WE know is an insecure male who believes that women might have come from Adam’s rib, but he does truly believe ALL women once born want some of him). Donald Trump is a narcissist but a real good shyster selling cheap goods and in his tactics of selling the Brooklyn Bridge he held captive poor Megyn Kelly. He is and was wrong to do so, BUT poor Megyn Kelly has done the same sampling of bullying from her Ivory Tower toward People of Color, Planned Parenthood, Minimum Wage Workers, Immigrants, Muslims and the ever so popular anti-Christ consortium of the LGBTQ community. So once again, one tissue Megyn for one tear shed.
I find it so true to form the response from a bully when he or she is confronted with the same relentless, stupid, ignorance lack of morals and values accusations; “Why Me Lord, Why Me?’ Somehow when the bully becomes the victim of the same innuendo, threats, abuse they so adoringly had pissed on everyone else, you would think that someone dressed in a Roman toga was about to tie them to a cross. Megyn of course has options, so she says, and as usually is the case another News Organization might adopt her as that stray pet who given a second chance CAN become housebroken. It will matter not that Megyn has lied about the rights of women, the plight of the immigrant, the struggles of the LGBTQ community or struggles of People of Color, that part of HER history will be white washed. Perhaps the best excuse will be the one the German soldiers used, “We were only following orders.”
Megyn, ever the team player, even when the team certainly has used her for bait, said she understands the dilemma her boss, Roger Ailes from FOX has found himself drawing in, to paraphrase Megyn’s own words, “Now how can you expect FOX New to ignore and dismiss the GOP front runner. Well, Megyn, ONE might expect any person, male or female to first respect virtue from venom, sincere from stupid and perhaps truth. But Megyn you have slept with dogs, and how would you not think they wouldn’t poop all over you? (And remember Megyn as you shed you tear, you did a whole lot of pooping on most of demographic populations in this nation! Poor Megyn Kelly, she is sad, she is frustrated, she is confused why she is the brunt of a bully, when she is ALWAYS supposed to be the one inciting the riot. Boo-Hoo Megyn Kelly, one tissue for one tear.