Why is that throughout the history of this nation, the Southern Evangelical, or Southern Baptist Christians always seemed so interested in (as Aretha Franklin sang so beautifully) Who is Zooming Who, How they do that Zooming, and the potty habits of regular people who may or may not have Zoomed someone or had the delight of Zooming themselves? One might think that perhaps these crusaders for Christ are not getting any satisfaction in their bedrooms creating a bit of jealousy or maybe they want to be Zoomed by some one of the same sex!
In the early days of Slavery,and beyond the White Christian’s were sure as certain that the Negro wanted to Zoom white women. In the early days of slavery and beyond the White Christian men, considered a Negro woman to somehow have her lady parts better sorted and shaped for his Christian genitals, and that always made for perfect Zooming! White Southern Christian Preachers, and Ministers spoke about how the Negro always did and always will have lust for sex with anyone Caucasian.
Now in the newly amalgamated Southern Christian states, Who is Zooming Who has reached hysteria. No time to worry about poverty, lack of education funds, health care, cost of living, none of that is of priority until every Baptist or Evangelical white blooded male and his Gal (the gender who originated from Adam’s rib) begin to become the Penis Police, the Vagina Vigilante, the Bastions of Bathroom decorum, and the Demons against Democracy. It seems there is that nasty Devil in the details, so none of these God Bless American’s have time to decipher the US Constitution, so instead they prefer to bask in their easy, breezy, sleazy, bigotry and swim in the soothing waters of hate.