For her it was a picture of her butt, a feigned but rehearsed how dare they, and she began her career as someone who was to become an icon for the masses, an empty vessel able to float on the waters of stupid, insincere and of course those with nothing in their lives. For him it was just being an ass from head to toe. Loud with the insincerity of someone so insecure, he needed narcissism transfusions just get through the day. He could tell you bigger, sell you better and lie about best; and never ever be begged his pardon by anyone asking are you sure? PT Barnum, a carnival barker, the con man in expensive suits, a facade with neon he was like that elusive bulb on the front porch of a summers night a beacon for all the creatures of night. She is Kim Kardashian, he is the probable nominee from the GOP, Donald Trump.
Pop culture is a fascinating phenomena, it can and should present opportunities for growth, for change, for the possibilities of what else, but in the 20-teens it has only provided the world with too lazy to learn, too selfish to wonder, and too empty to care. Kris Jenner is a savvy marketeer, she knew that the more shallow you became the more popularity you gained. Be about nothing but showcase that nothingness with diamonds, nudity, scandal, and of course vague and venom and although you are truly the dredge of the Earth you will reach great heights. Donald is the master of now you see it, then you won’t. He appeals to people he would squish like a bug, but he is smart enough to spread the rancid food on the floor watch them gather and pretend he is actually feeding them when in fact they will all die from his poison. Donald Trump can function without empathy but is so good at pretending to be sympathetic toward those who think gluttony is contagious, greed is courageous, and fiction will set you free.
We are witnessing The Repub-Kardashing of our nation. Say nothing of substance, get as much press for being nothing but a putz, pretend you are relevant by showing up, use lots of adjectives, face the camera always accuse someone, and of course entice an already ratings first media, to follow your every burp, fart and absurdity. No one should be amazed that the Kardashians were voted the first family of America by Vanity Fair Magazine, they were smart enough to know how to improve their bottom line. And no one should be surprised that Donald Trump is the probable nominee from the Republican Party, all he did was say out loud all of the racist, homophobic, islamaphobic, misogynist, xenophobic rubbish the GOP had been whispering for years. We live in a society that texts on our phones while walking into anyone or anything, a population that can only speak in abbreviated text speak, a population that believes reality stars are in fact journalists, that true heterosexual love can be found on the shows like the Bachelor and Bachelorette, that being a Confederate is a true patriot, and that Jesus actually speaks to people like Palin, Perry, Bachmann, Beck, Cruz and Robertson. Hmmm,I know, there will be a ticket of Trump/Kardashian and their motto fool you once and again, and again and again!